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Texas Tech University

The Honors College

HUM 2301-HH01: The Western Intellectual Tradition I

Fall 2008

TR 02.00-03.20pm

Classroom: AD248


Costica Bradatan

Office: McClellan 202A

Office Hours: TR: 11.30am-12.30pm & 03.30pm-04.00pm; W: 01.00pm-04.00pm

Office Phone:  (806) 742-0036 (ext 248)

Email: costica.bradatan@ttu.edu

Webpage: http://www.webpages.ttu.edu/cbradata/

Course Description:

Why is a given literary, philosophical or artistic work considered “novel,” “innovative” or “revolutionary”? How is it that the new appears against a certain intellectual background? To what extent is novelty an “objective” characteristic, intrinsic to the work itself and to what extent is it the result of its interaction with the intellectual/artistic environment within which it emerges? What roles do extraneous factors (such as competition and demands of the market, political pressure/sponsorship, ideological and religious censorship) play in the genesis of novelty? What are the major patterns of intellectual and artistic change in the West? These are some of the questions that we will be addressing in the class. The seminar is an introduction to the Western humanities from Antiquity to Renaissance, with a special emphasis on the issues of novelty, originality, “paradigm shift,” and intellectual change. The course proposes a close look at some of the intense “knots” of novelty, first of all in philosophy and literature, but also in the arts, with the aim of bringing about a better understanding of how cultural history works, what the main “patterns of change” in the Western tradition are, how originality is possible, and how the new is produced.


Course Learning Objectives:

HONS 2301-H01 satisfies the university core curriculum requirement in Humanities: “The objective of the humanities in a core curriculum is to expand the student’s knowledge of the human condition and human cultures, especially in relation to behaviors, ideas, and values expressed in works of human imagination and thought. Through study in disciplines such as literature and philosophy, students will engage in critical analysis and develop an appreciation of the humanities as fundamental to the health and survival of any society. Students graduating from Texas Tech University should be able to think critically and demonstrate an understanding of the possibility of multiple interpretations, cultural contexts, and values.” (TTU Catalogue)


Specifically, upon successful completion of this Honors course students should:



Methods of learning outcomes assessment:

·         Graded written work

·         Graded reading quizzes

·         Class participation

·         One-to-one tutorials

·         Informal feedback via emails, discussions, etc.


Honors philosophy statement:

The fact that this is an honors class has an important impact on the way these learning outcomes are being achieved. Thanks to a combination of factors (small-size group, writing and reading intensive, research-oriented class, a focus on dialogical learning, etc), we are in a position to pay special attention to the qualitative aspects of the learning process. In particular, the research component of the class (which automatically means a focus on writing and reading) confers upon this process a creative dimension and places the student in a distinctly active position.


Disclaimer: An essential component of this seminar is watching, discussing about, and interpreting a series of art films that help us better grasp the concepts, notions and ideas covered in class. Some of these films might display content (nudity, language, violence, etc.) that some of you might find provocative or inappropriate.


Required Texts: 

·         Boorstin, Daniel (1993) The Creators: A History of Heroes of the Imagination (Vintage) ISBN: 0679743758

·         Cunningham, Lawrence and John Reich, Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities. Volume I; 6th edition (Wadsworth Publishing). ISBN: 0534582281.

·         Gochberg Donald (1988) Classics of Western Thought Series: The Ancient World, Volume I (Classics of Western Thought) (Wadsworth Publishing) ISBN: 0155076825

·         Thompson, Karl (1988) Classics of Western Thought Series: Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, Volume II (Classics of Western Thought) (Wadsworth Publishing) ISBN: 0155076833


All these books may be purchased from the TTU bookstores. You may also purchase them from other bookstores or online, provided that the ISBNs are the ones given above.


Course Requirements:

  1. Regular attendance and active class participation
  2. Reading-based quizzes
  3. First draft of the research project 
  4. Final draft of the research project
  5. Oral defense of the project


1. Attendance and active class participation:

Since this is an (honors) seminar, it is imperative that you attend and participate in every class. Please do not be late! Any unexcused absence will have an impact on your class participation/attendance grade (5 % for each absence). After four (4) unexcused absences the instructor may, at his discretion, recommend the University Registrar to drop the student from the course. An absence is excused when you provide serious documented evidence about it (signed note from the physician, signed letter from the Dean, death notice, etc.) Active participation in classroom discussions includes (but is not limited to): posing relevant questions; making informed comments and formulating original points of view, establishing a fruitful dialogue with the other students during the class, etc. When formulating your points of view, remarks or comments, please do so in a respectful manner, in such a way as not to harm the feelings of the other members of the class. Please be tolerant and respect the religious, political and intellectual opinions of the other members of the class. Showing respect to the others is, first of all, a form of self-respect. You should also respect the fact that TTU is a secular institution of higher education.


2. Reading-based quizzes

There will be, at different times during the semester, a number of impromptu (unannounced) quizzes based on the class readings. The quiz component of the grade is worth 20 % (of the final grade). In all, there will be 40 quiz questions, each question being worth 0.5 % of your final grade. Students who miss a quiz will be allowed to repeat it only if their absence was excused (see above).

The quiz questions are always about the materials you are supposed to read for the class. Please note that they have different degrees of difficulty: some of these questions are quite easy to answer, while others are harder. The rationale is that if you want to get the highest grade, you should be prepared to answer all (or most of) the questions, the easier ones as well as the more difficult ones. You can do so only if you do the readings very carefully. In the interest of fairness, the final grades have to reflect the different amounts of effort each student has put into this class.

More importantly: since this class is an honors seminar – therefore, writing and reading intensive – you have to pay closer attention to the readings, and be prepared to spend more on them. They are theoretical (sometimes dense) texts. Read them more than once if necessary, take notes and underline what you think it is important or what you don't understand. Look up those terms/concepts that you are unfamiliar with, or simply ask the instructor what they mean; compile e a list and bring it to class, and we will discuss it item by item. These texts are important and you can learn something (important) from them. Just give them the attention they deserve and your efforts will be rewarded.


3-4. Research project:

Since this is an honors class, it is research-oriented and writing intensive. Therefore, the bulk of the final grade (see below “Grading policy”) will be determined by the quality of the research project. This piece is the culmination of students’ work during the whole semester. It must be on a course-related topic, designed by the student in consultation with the instructor. Students must think of a good topic for their research project and discuss it with the instructor (stop by during office hours or just make an appointment). The research paper must be conceived of, structured, developed and written in such a way as to meet the standards of academic excellence in the humanities, and following the guidelines for submission of written work listed below. The three stages for the production of this research paper are: a) Submission of a research topic (title and/or one sentence), b) Submission of the first draft (about 4 pages), and c) Submission of the final draft (about 9 pages), at the end of the semester. (For deadlines, please see “Schedule of Events” below.)

Note on the first draft: Since your first draft will be graded, what is expected from you is essentially a shorter version of the final draft. This way your work can be judged using the “grading criteria for written work” stated in the syllabus (see below).
Therefore, you should not submit (as your first draft) just a “work plan,” a sketch, or a list of points you are going to touch on in the final draft. What you submit as your first draft should look like a “finished paper” in terms of argumentation, structure, citing sources, rhetoric, etc. Given the length of the first draft, you may have to touch on only briefly some of the points. In this case, you may wish to insert parenthetical mentions stating that you will further explore those points in the final draft.


5. Oral defense:

In the last couple of weeks of the semester students will have a chance to defend their research project in class. This will be a ten minute presentation in which they will present the main argument of their project, support it with evidence and examples, and defend it against the counterarguments brought by your peers and the instructor.   


Individual conferences

Students are strongly encouraged to discuss with the instructor about any aspects of their work for this class, and in particular about their research project. All students taking this course are encouraged to make appointments with the instructor in order to discuss issues related to the course. The instructor may ask you to come in at other times for discussing particular issues. Please feel free to email the instructor whenever you need to discuss with him aspects of your work.


As the semester progresses each of you must think of a topic for your research project. The topic for this final essay is designed by you, but must be course-related, and discussed with the instructor (on the occasion of a conferences or just make an appointment!).


Guidelines for Submission of Written Work:

·         MLA Citation Style (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/ )

·         Word-process all written work; handwritten papers will not be accepted;

·         Use standard font, in 12 point; double-spaced.

·         Number your pages;

·         Staple your pages together;

·         At the top of the first page include your name, date, and essay title;

·         Proofread and spell-check before bringing any papers to class.


Grading Policy:

·         10%           Regular attendance of seminar meetings.

·         10%           Active participation in classroom discussions

·         20%           Reading-based quizzes (40 questions, 0.5% each question)

·         20%           First draft of the research paper (graded)

·         30%           Final draft of the research paper

·         10%           Oral defense of the project


Grading System:

·         A+ (98-100); A (94-97); A- (90-93)

·         B+ (88-89); B (84-87); B- (80-83)

·         C+ (78-79); C (74-77); C- (70-73)

·         D+ (68-69); D (64-67); D- (60-63)

·         F (0-59)


What the grades (for written work) mean

·         A (90-100).

o   highest quality in terms of argumentation, supporting evidence, consistency, clarity, logical organization of the material

o   mastery of the basic concepts of the course and deep understanding of the material covered

o   extensive research (much beyond the required readings) and sophisticated use of primary and secondary sources

o   an excellent sense of structure, stylistic coherence and unity

o   original and persuasive thinking/points of view

o   rhetorical sophistication

o   work meets current standards of academic writing in the humanities

o   no (or only accidental ) mechanical errors

·         B (80-89)

o   Very good quality in terms of argumentation, supporting evidence, consistency, clarity, logical organization of the material

o   mastery of the basic concepts of the course and good understanding of the material covered

o   extensive research (beyond the required readings) and balanced use of primary and secondary sources

o   a good sense of structure, stylistic coherence and unity, despite occasional inconsistencies

o   persuasive thinking/points of view

o   rhetorical fluency

o   work generally meets current standards of academic writing in the humanities

o   some mechanical errors

·         C (70-79)

o   Satisfactory quality in terms of argumentation, supporting evidence, consistency, clarity, logical organization of the material

o   Satisfactory understanding of the basic concepts of the course and of the material covered

o   some research and use of primary and secondary sources

o   some sense of structure and stylistic coherence, despite flaws

o   some rhetorical weakness

o   poor compliance with the standards of academic writing in the humanities

o   frequent mechanical errors


·         D (60-69)

o   Some quality in terms of argumentation, supporting evidence, consistency, clarity, logical organization of the material, but undermined by gaps in knowledge and errors of fact

o   Some familiarity with the material covered, but not enough for engaging with it in a coherent/meaningful way

o   Poor research and inadequate use of primary and secondary sources

o   Poor sense of structure, lack of stylistic coherence and unity

o   current standards of academic writing in the humanities not met

o   many mechanical errors

·         F (0-59)

o   Missing work

o   Work incomplete (or off the topic) in a serious way

o   Serious deficiencies in argumentation, supporting evidence, and logical organization

o   No relevant research

o   No sense of structure and lack of coherence

o   No observance of the standards of academic writing


University Policies and Regulations:

The instructor of this course respects and upholds University policies and regulations pertaining to the observation of religious holidays; assistance available to the physically handicapped, visually and/or hearing impaired student; plagiarism; sexual harassment; and racial or ethnic discrimination. All students are advised to become familiar with the respective University regulations and are encouraged to bring any questions or concerns to the attention of the instructor.


Absences for religious holidays:

A student who is absent from classes for the observation of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence if, not later than the fifteenth day after the first day of the semester, the student had notified the instructor of each scheduled class that the student would be absent for a religious holy day.


Students with Disabilities:

Any student who, because of a disability, may require special arrangements in order to meet the
course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary
arrangements. Students should present appropriate verification from Student Disability
Services during the instructor’s office hours. Please note instructors are not allowed to provide
classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from Student Disability
Services has been provided. For additional information, you may contact the Student Disability
Services office at 335 West Hall or 806-742-2405.


Academic Integrity:

Plagiarism, or academic theft, is passing off someone else’s work as your own. Please note: plagiarism simply means using someone else’s ideas without acknowledging it (no matter if you use that person’s actual words or not). Regardless of your background, you are responsible for not plagiarizing. Plagiarism will be prosecuted; it can affect your permanent record. Being a plagiarizer is incomparably worse than being unoriginal! For more about plagiarism (and academic dishonesty in general), please read the document “Texas Tech University Statement of Academic Integrity”: http://www.depts.ttu.edu/studentjudicialprograms/academicinteg.php


Please note that plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class under any circumstances! The penalty for plagiarism ranges, depending on the gravity of the case, from a grade of F (0 %) for the paper in question (without the possibility of resubmitting it) to F as final grade for the class.


Tentative Schedule of Events


Week 1:

·         Tuesday (8/26)

o   Topic: Introduction. Overview of the course.

o   Discussion: The use of history for life 


·         Thursday (8/28)

o   Topic: The anatomy of novelty

o   Movie watching: Pollock

o   Reading: Cunningham & Reich, Chapter 1.


Week 2:

·         Tuesday (9/2)

o   Topic: Early Greece (The beginnings of the Greek culture; the “Greek miracle”; Greek theology)

o   Reading: Boorstin, pp. 26-35.


·         Thursday (9/4)  

o   Topic: What is a Library and what can it do for you (I)? (Guest Lecturer: Jon Hufford, TTU Library)

o   Reading: Cunningham & Reich, Chapter 2


Week 3:

·         Tuesday (9/9)

o   Topic: Classical Greece I (Greek tragedy; Greek art and architecture)

o   Movie watching: Medea

o   Reading: Gochberg, pp. 294-313


·         Thursday (9/11)

o   Topic: Classical Greece II (Alexander’s discovery of the Orient and its impact on the Hellenistic culture; the birth of the “library”)

o   Close reading: Plato

o   Reading: Cunningham & Reich, Chapter 3


Week 4:

·         Tuesday (9/16)

o   Topic: Rome I (Roman law)

o   Movie watching: documentary

o        Readings: Cunningham & Reich, Chapter 4


·         Thursday (9/18)

o   Topic: Rome II (Stoicism)

o   Close reading: Marc Aurelius  

o   Readings: Boorstin, 107-126




Submission of the topic for the research paper.



Week 5:

·         Tuesday (9/23)

o   Topic: The emergence of Christianity I

o   Close reading: Sermon on the Mount

o   Readings: Cunningham & Reich, Chapter 6


·         Thursday (9/25)

o   Topic: The emergence of Christianity II (the theological novelty of Christianity; its revolutionary nature)

o   Movie watching: “The Passion of Christ”

o   Readings: Boorstin, pp. 127-135 & 234-246


Week 6:

·         Tuesday (9/30)

o   Topic: The emergence of Christianity III (the eschatological significance of Christ’s message; the new understanding of history and historical time

o   Discussion: the novelty of Christ’s message

o   Readings: Gochberg, pp. 617-627


·         Thursday (10/2)

o   Topic: Christian civilization I (Art & architecture, monastic orders; the meaning of the “Dark Age”)

o   Movie watching: “Simon of the Desert”

o   Readings: Gochberg, pp. 628-642.


Week 7:

·         Tuesday (10/7)

o   Topic: Christian civilization II

o   Movie watching: Saint Augustine (City of God)

o   Readings: Cunningham & Reich, Chapter 7


·         Thursday (10/9)

o   Topic: The Byzantine Empire I (the Greek Fathers; theology and courtly refinement in Byzantium)

o   Discussion: The other Europe

o   Readings: Thompson, 1-13


Week 8:

·         Tuesday (10/14)

o   Topic: The Byzantine Empire II (the theology of the Icon)

o   Movie watching: “Andrei Rublev” 

o        Readings: Boorstin, pp. 183-192


·         Thursday (10/16)

o   Topic: The Byzantine Empire III (Monasticism as a way of life)

o   Movie watching: “Andrei Rublev” 



Submission of first draft of the research paper.



Week 9:

·         Tuesday (10/21)

o   Topic: The complex Middle Ages (discovery of the Arab philosophy; Abelard and Heloise; new forms of economic life; the flourishing of urban life in Italy)

o   Discussion: a matter of historical reception

o   Readings: Cunningham & Reich, Chapter 9


·         Thursday (10/23)

o   Topic: What is a Library and what can it do for you (II)? (Guest Lecturer: Jon Hufford, TTU Library)


Week 10:

·         Tuesday (10/28)

o   Topic: The High Middle Ages  (Medieval anxieties)

o   Movie watching: “The seventh seal”

o   Readings: Cunningham & Reich, Chapter 10


·         Thursday (11/30)

o   Topic: The High Middle Ages

o   Close Reading: Boccaccio

o   Readings: Boorstin, 266-275


Week 11:

·         Tuesday (11/4)

o   Topic: Early Renaissance I (The new sweetness of life)

o   Movie watching: TBA

o   Reading: Cunningham & Reich, Chapter 11


·         Thursday (11/6)

o   Topic: Early Renaissance II (The rediscovery of the Antiquity; attempts at synthesis)

o   Discussion: Renaissance and the rediscovery of antiquity

o   Readings: Boorstin, 276-288


Week 12:

·         Tuesday (11/11)

o   Topic: Early Renaissance III (the aesthetization of life in the Renaissance; Renaissance as a cultural style)

o   Close reading: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola

o   Readings: Cunningham & Reich, Chapter 12


·         Thursday (11/13)

o   Topic: The Renaissance man I

o   Close reading: Erasmus

o   Readings: Boorstin, 288-298


Week 13:

·         Tuesday (11/18)

o   Topic: The Renaissance man II

o   Movie watching: “A Violent Life”

o   Readings: Thompson, 263-277.


·         Thursday (11/20)

o   Students present their research projects (sign up in advance!)


Week 14:

·         Tuesday (11/25)

o   Students present their research projects (sign up in advance!)


Thanksgiving Break

Week 15:

·         Tuesday (12/2)

o   Working with sources (Guest Lecturer: Jon Hufford, TTU Library)



Wednesday 12/3: Deadline for the submission of the research paper (final version).





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