Human-Centric Design Research Laboratory
Refereed Journal Papers
Mena, A., Wollstein, R., Yang J., Development of a
Finite Element Model of the Human Wrist Joint with Radioulnar and Radiocarpal
Validation, (under review). DOI
Tahmid, S., and Yang, J., Simultaneous Prediction of Multiple
Unmeasured Muscle Activations through Muscle Synergy Analysis, (under review). DOI
Yang, Y., Negash, N., and Yang, J., Recent Advances in Interactive Driving of
Autonomous Vehicles: Comprehensive Review of Approaches, Automotive
Innovation (accepted). DOI
Negash, N., Yang, Y., Tang, S.,
and Yang,
J., Safety-Critical Model Predictive Path Integral Control for
Social-aware Autonomous Vehicle Driving, (under review). DOI
Negash, N., Yang, Y., and Yang, J., Socially
Compatible Decision-making of Autonomous Vehicles: A Probabilistic Rationally
Bounded Game Theoretic Approach, (under review). DOI
Baus, J., Yang, J., Effect of Obstacles on Minimum Clearance Distances
in Three-Dimensional Collision Avoidance Reaching Tasks, (under review). DOI
[J218] Lee, S., and Yang, J., Optimization-Based Two-Dimensional Symmetric Tossing Motion Prediction and Validation, (under review). DOI
Lee, S., and Yang, J., Optimization-Based Three-Dimensional
Symmetric Tossing Motion Prediction and Comparison with the 2D Model, (under
review). DOI
Rakshit, R., Barman, S, Xiang, Y., and Yang, J., Higher Joint Velocities Enhance Fatigue Rate as
Measured by Peak Isometric Torque Decline during Intermittent Isokinetic
Exercise, (under review), DOI
[J215] Cruz,
J., and Yang, J., Effects
of Sex, Lift Origin, Handedness, and Normalization on Spinal Loads in Maximal
Box Lifting with Risk Assessment, (under review). DOI
[J214] Baus, J., Nguyen, E., Harry, J., and Yang, J., Relevant Biomechanical Variables in Skateboarding: A Literature Review, 52(4), 29-39, 2024. DOI
[J213] Negash, N., Tang, S-X, Yang, J., IT2-Fuzzy Neural Network Based Prescribed Performance Fault Tolerant Backstepping Sliding Mode Control for Automated Platoon with an Exponential Spacing Policy, ASME Journal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems, Vol. 4, 031002 (11 pages), 2024. DOI
[J212] Baus, J., Harry, J., and Yang,
Weighted Vest Load Arrangement and Data Normalization Effects on Lower Limb
Biomechanics During Countermovement Jump Landings, International Journal of Strength
and Conditioning, 4(1), 2024, DOI
[J211] Zhang,
S., Meng, D., Gao, Y., Yang, J., and Xu, X., Modelling and Novel
Multi-Level Discrete Optimization Method for Vehicle Scissor Door Joint
Mechanism, Engineering Optimization. DOI
[J210] Zhang, S., Gao, Y., Yang, J., Dynamic Modelling and Analysis of Vehicle Scissor Door Mechanism
with Mixed Clearance Based on a Hybrid Contact Force Model. Multibody System
Dynamics, Vol. 61, 509-538 (2024). DOI
Tahmid, S., Font Llagunes, J. M.,
and Yang,
J., Upper Extremity
Muscle Activation Pattern Prediction through Synergy Extrapolation and
Electromyography-Driven Modeling, ASME Journal of Biomechanical
Engineering, 146(1):011005 (10 pages), 2024. DOI
[J208] Mena,
A., Wollstein, R., Baus, J., and Yang J., Finite Element Modeling
in Wrist Biomechanics: A Review, Journal of Wrist Surgery, 12(06),
478-487, 2023. DOI
[J207] Zhang, S., Gao, Y., Gao, D., Pan, T., Yang, J., Serial Combinational
Optimization Method for Double Wishbone Suspension Pseudo Damage Improvement. Structural
and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 66: 122, 1-21, 2023. DOI
[J206] Xiang,
Y., Zaman, R., Arefeen, A., Quarnstrom, J., Rakshit, R.,
and Yang, J., Hybrid Musculoskeletal Model-Based 3D Asymmetric Lifting
Prediction and Comparison with Symmetric Lifting,
Part H:
Journal of Engineering in Medicine,
Vol. 237, Issue 6, 2023, 770-781. DOI
[J205] Cui,
Q., Hurtubise, C., Smith, S., Yang, J., Asphalt
Shingle Modeling and Parameter Estimation under Short Period Loading Condition,
Construction and Building
Materials, Vol. 364,
2023, 129966. DOI
[J204] Yang, Y., Zhao, Q., and Yang,
J., Effect
of Sliding Model Controller’s Reaching Law on Its Performance Based on an Active
Quarter Car Model Coupled with a Biodynamic Model,
in Mechanical Engineering (in press). DOI
[J203] Oliveira, A., Kashem, M. N. H.,
Luna, D., Geerts, W., Li, W., and Yang, J., Kinematic Modeling
and Design of Untethered Soft Mobile Magnetic Robots with Multiple Support Sections, Acta Mechanics, 234, pages 3519–3531 (2023). DOI
[J202] Negash, N., and Yang, J.,
Driver Behavior Modeling towards Autonomous Vehicles: A Comprehensive Review, IEEE Access, Vol. 11, 2023, 22788-22821. DOI
[J201] Liu, Z., Gao, D., Gao, Y., Yang,
J., Numerical and
Experimental-Aided Framework Based on TPA for Acoustic Contributions of
Individual Transfer Paths on a Vehicle Door in the Slamming Event, Applied Acoustics, Vol.
203, 2023, 109220. DOI
[J200] Zhang,
S., Gao, Y., Yang, J., and Xu, F., Adaptive
Approximation-Based Multi-Objective Hybrid Optimization Method for
Dual-Gradient Top-Hat Structures, Engineering Optimization, 55:10,
1778-1797, 2023. DOI
[J199] Tahmid, S., Font Llagunes, J. M., and Yang,
J., Upper Extremity Joint Torque Estimation Through an EMG-Driven Model, ASME Journal of
Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 23, 2023, 030901 (9
pages). DOI
[J198] Tahmid,
S., Love, B., Liang, Z., and Yang, J., Cervical Spine Finite Element Model for Healthy Subjects:
Development and Validation, ASME Journal of
Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 23, 2023, 044501 (12 pages). DOI
[J197] Cruz,
J., and Yang, J., Improved Heat Coefficients for Joint-Space
Metabolic Energy Expenditure Model during Level, Uphill, and Downhill Walking, PLoS ONE, 17(4):
e0267120, 2022. DOI
[J196] Zaman,
R., Xiang, Y., Rakshit, R., and Yang,
J., Hybrid Predictive Model for Lifting by Integrating Skeletal Motion
Prediction with an OpenSim Musculoskeletal Model, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 69(3),
2022, 1111-1122.
[J195] Rakshit, R., Barman, S,
Xiang, Y., and Yang, J., Sensitivity Analysis of Sex- and Functional Muscle
Group-Specific Parameters for a Three-Compartment-Controller Model of Muscle
Fatigue, Journal of Biomechanics,
141, 111224, 2022. DOI
[J194] Oliveira, A., Kashem, M. N. H.,
Luna, D., Geerts, W., Li, W., and Yang, J., Magnetic Properties of PDMS Embedded with Strontium Ferrite
Particles Cured Under Different Magnetic Field Configurations, AIP Advances,
Vol. 12, Issue 3, 035121,
2022. DOI
[J193] Barman,
S, Xiang, Y., Rakshit, R., and Yang, J., Joint Fatigue-Based Optimal
Posture Prediction for Maximizing Endurance Time in Box Carrying Task, Multibody System Dynamics, 55,
323-339, 2022.
[J192] Negash, N., and Yang, J.,
Anticipation-Based Autonomous Platoon Control
Strategy with Minimum Parameter Learning Adaptive Radial Basis Function Neural
Network Sliding Mode Control, SAE International Journal of Vehicle
Dynamics, Stability and NVH, 6(3), 1-19, 2022. DOI
[J191] Zaman,
R., Arefeen, A., Quarnstrom, J., Barman, S., Yang, J., and Xiang,
Y., Optimization-Based Biomechanical Lifting Models for Manual Material
Handling: A Comprehensive Review, IMechE, Part H: Journal
of Engineering in Medicine, Vol.
236, Issue 9, 1273-1287, 2022. DOI
[J190] Yang, Y., Zhao, Q., and Yang,
J., Optimization-Based Parameter Identification for Coupled Biodynamic Model of Seated Posture under Vibration, SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability
and NVH,
6(2), 2022, 1-16. DOI
[J189] Baus, J., Harry, J.,
and Yang, J., Optimization
Based Subject-Specific Planar Human Vertical Jumping Prediction- Effect
of Elbow Flexion and Weighted Vest, IMechE, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 236(1), 65-71, 2022. DOI
[J188] Ma,
C., Gao, Y., Yang, J., Duan, Y., and Liu, Z., Finite Element-Based
Safety Prediction for Hydraulic Excavator Rollover Protective Structure and
Experimental Validation, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 27
(4), 955-967. DOI
[J187] Liu, Z., Gao, Y., Yang,
J., Xu, X., Fang, J., and Xie,
F., Multi-Objective
Optimization Framework of a Vehicle Door Design in the Slamming Event for
Optimal Dynamic Performances, Applied Acoustics.
187 (2022) 108526. DOI
[J186] Yang,
J., Howard, B., and Baus, J., A Collision
Avoidance Algorithm for Human Motion Prediction Based on Perceived Risk of
Collision: Part 2 - Application, IISE Transactions on Occupational
Ergonomics and Human Factors, Special issue: Digital Human Model and
Industrial 4.0, Vol. 9, Issue 3-4, 2021, 211-222. DOI
[J185] Yang,
J., Howard, B., and Baus, J., A Collision
Avoidance Algorithm for Human Motion Prediction Based on Perceived Risk of
Collision: Part 1 - Model Development, IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics
and Human Factors,
Special issue: Digital Human Model and Industrial 4.0, Vol. 9, Issue 3-4, 2021,
199-210. DOI
[J184] Rakshit,
R., Xiang, Y., and Yang, J., Functional Muscle Group- and
Sex-Specific Parameters for a Three-Compartment Controller Muscle Fatigue Model
Applied to Isometric Contractions, Journal of Biomechanics, 127, 110695, 2021. DOI
[J183] Yu, Z., Zhao, Q., Yang,
J., Xia, Y., and Ma, Y., Uncoupled Spatial Biodynamic Model for Seated Humans Exposed to Vibration-Development and
Validation, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 85 (2021)
103171. DOI
[J182] Oliveira, A.,
Bhattacharya, S., and Yang, J.,
Mechanics of Magnetic Robots akin to
Soft Beams Supported at Unanchored Contacts, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 88, 2021, 121005 (11 pages). DOI
[J181] Liu, Z., Gao, Y., Yang, J.,
Xu, X., Fang, J., and Xu, Y., Effect of Discretized Transfer Paths on Abnormal
Vibration Analysis and Door Structure Improvement to Reduce its Vibration in
the Door Slamming Event,
Applied Acoustics, 183,
2021, 108306. DOI
[J180] Liu, Z., Gao, Y., Yang, J., Xu, X., Fang, J., Duan, Y., and Ma, C., Transfer Path Analysis and its Application to Diagonosis for Low-Frequency Transient Vibration in the Automotive Door Slamming Event, Measurement, 183, 2021, 109896. DOI
[J179] DeLucia, P., Kim, J.H.,
Nguyen, N., Wang, E., and Yang, J.,
Learning to Become Researchers: Lessons Learned from a Research Experience for
Undergraduates (REU) Program Focused on Research in Psychological Sciences with
Real-World Implications, SPUR: Scholarship
and Practice of Undergraduate Research, Vol.
4, Issue 4, 10-22, 2021. DOI
[J178] Cui,
Q., and Yang, J., Evaluation of Numerical Simulation Methods and
Ice Material Models for Intermediate Velocity Hail Impact Simulation, Engineering
Structures, 244, 2021, 112831. DOI
[J177] Baus, J., Harry, J.,
and Yang, J., Optimization-Based
Subject-Specific Planar Human Vertical Jumping Prediction: Model Development
and Validation, IMechE, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 235(7), 805-818, 2021. DOI
[J176] Liu, Z.,
Gao, Y., and Yang, J., Numerical and Experimental-Based
Vibro-Acoustic Coupling Investigation on a Vehicle Door in the Slamming Event, Mechanical
Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 158, 2021, 107759. DOI
[J175] Cruz, J., Garcia, M.,
Garza, C., DeLucia, P., and Yang, J.,
Object Shape Affects Hand Grip Function for Heavy Objects in Younger and Older
Adults, Ergonomics, 64(6), 722-732, 2021. DOI
[J174] Zaman,
R., Xiang, Y., Cruz, J., and Yang, J., Three-Dimensional
Asymmetric Maximum Weight Lifting Prediction Considering
Dynamic Joint Strength, IMechE, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 235(4), 437-446, 2021. DOI
[J173] Zaman, R., Xiang, Y., Cruz, J., and Yang, J., Two-Dimensional versus Three-Dimensional Symmetric Lifting Motion Prediction Models: A Case Study, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 21(4), 2021, 044501 (7 pages). DOI
[J172] Xiang, Y., Tahmid, S., Owens, P., and Yang, J., Single Task-Based Optimization
for Planar Symmetric Box Delivery Motion Prediction and Experimental
Validation, ASME Journal of Mechanisms
and Robotics, 13(2), Apr 2021, 024501 (6 pages).
[J171] Ozsoy, B., and Yang, J., Assisted Spatial
Sit-to-Stand Prediction-Part 2: Virtual Injured Elderly Individuals, ASME Journal of
Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 21(6), 2021, 061009 (13 pages). DOI
[J170] Yang, J., and Ozsoy, B., Assisted Spatial Sit-to-Stand Prediction-Part 1:
Virtual Healthy Elderly Individuals, ASME
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 21(4), 2021, 041002 (9 pages). DOI
[J169] Gao, Y., Duan, Y., Yang,
J., Yuan, Z., and Ma, C., Improved K-Medoids Algorithm-Based Clustering
Analysis for Handle Driving Force in Automotive Manual Sliding Door Closing
Process, IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automotive Engineering, Vol. 235,
No. 2-3, 871-880, 2021. DOI
[J168] Li, B., Yang, X., and Yang,
J., Out-of-Plane Tire Model Development for Vehicle Dynamic
Simulation on Various Rigid Road Surfaces, International Journal of Vehicle
Performance, Vol. 7, Nos. 1/2, 83–119, 2021.
[J167] Xiang, Y., Cruz, J., Zaman, R., and Yang, J., Multi-Objective Optimization for Two-Dimensional Maximum Weight Lifting Prediction Considering Dynamic Strength, Engineering Optimization, 53(02), 2021, 206 - 220. DOI
[J166] Lv, T., Zhang, Y., Duan, Y., and Yang,
J., Kinematics & Compliance Analysis of Double Wishbone Air
Suspension with Frictions and Joint Clearances, Mechanism and
Machine Theory, Vol. 156, February
2021, 104127. DOI
[J165] Zhu,
H., Yang, J., and Zhang, Y., Dual-Chamber
Pneumatically Interconnected Suspension: Modeling and Theoretical Analysis, Mechanical
Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 147, 15 January 2021, 107125. DOI
[J164] Pati,
D., Valipoor, S., Cloutier, A., Yang,
J., Freier, P., Harvey, T.E., and Lee, J., Physical Design Factors
Contributing to Patient Falls, Journal of
Patient Safety, 17(3), 135-142, 2021. DOI
[J163] Xiang,
Y., Tahmid, S., Owen, P., and Yang,
J., Two-Dimensional
Symmetric Box Delivery Motion Prediction and Validation: Subtask-Based
Optimization Method, Applied
10, 8798, 1-14, 2020. DOI
[J162] Baus,
J., Harry, J., and Yang, J., Jump and Landing Biomechanical Variables and Methods – A Literature
Review, Critical Review in Biomedical Engineering, 48(4):
211-222, 2020. DOI
[J161] Chumacero,
E., and Yang, J., Validation
for an Ankle-Hip Model of Human Balance on a Balance Board Via Frequency
Content, Gait and Posture, 82, 2020, 313-321. DOI
[J160] Rakshit, R., Xiang, Y., and Yang, J., Dynamic Joint Strength-Based Simulation for Two-Dimensional Symmetric Maximum Weight-Lifting Simulation: Model Development and Validation, IMechE, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 234(7), 2020, 660-673. DOI
[J159] Rakshit,
R., and Yang, J., Modelling Muscle Recovery from a Fatigued State in
Isometric Contractions for the Ankle Joint, Journal
of Biomechanics, Vol. 100, February 13, 2020, 109601. DOI and Errata DOI
[J158] Chumacero,
E., and Yang, J., Effect of
Disturbances and Sensorimotor Deficits on the Postural Robustness of an
Ankle-Hip Model of Balance on a Balance Board, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 99, 1959-1973, 2020. DOI
[J157] Chumacero,
E., Yang, J., and Chagdes, R.
J., Effect of Ankle-Pivot Misalignment and Upward Ankle Vertical Displacement
on Stability and Equilibrium Location for an Ankle-Hip Model of Balance on a
Balance Board, ASME Journal of
Computational Nonlinear Dynamics, 15(2), Feb. 2020, 021002 (13 pages). DOI
[J156] Gao, Y., Duan, Y., Yang,
J., Yuan, Z., and Ma, C., Modeling Planar Joints with Clearance between
the Guide and Roller in Mechanisms, ASME Journal of
Computational Nonlinear Dynamics, 15(1), Jan. 2020, 011010 (10 pages). DOI
[J155] Haddas, R., Samocha, Y., and Yang, J., Effects of Volitional Spine Stabilization on Trunk Control during Asymmetric Lifting Task in Patients with Recurrent Low Back Pain, Global Spine Journal, Vol. 10(8), 1006-1014, 2020. DOI
[J154] Yang, J., and Ozsoy, B., Three
Unassisted Sit-to-Stand Prediction for Virtual Healthy Young and Elderly
Individuals, Multibody System Dynamics,
49(1), 33-52, 2020. DOI
[J153] Yang, J., and Howard, B.,
Prediction of Initial and Final Postures for Motion Planning in Human Manual
Manipulation Task Based on Cognitive Decision Making, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering,
Vol. 20, Issue 1, March, 2020, 011077 (9 pages). DOI
[J152] Oliveira,
A., and Yang, J., Review of
Magnetically Actuated Milli/Micro-Scale Robots Locomotion and Features, Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering,
47(5), 379-394, 2019. DOI
[J151] Chumacero,
E., and Yang, J., Basin of
Attraction and Limit Cycle Oscillation Amplitude of an Ankle-Hip Model of
Balance on a Balance Board, ASME Journal
of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 141, Number 11, 2019, 111007 (9
pages). DOI
[J150] Xu, M., Yang, J., Lieberman, I.H., and Haddas, R., Finite Element Method-Based Study of Pedicle Screw-Bone Interaction in Pullout Test and Physiological Spinal Loads, Medical Engineering and Physics, Vol. 67, Nov., 2019, 11-21. DOI
[J149] Chumacero, E., Yang, J., and Chagdes, R. J., Numerical Nonlinear Analysis for Dynamic Stability of an Ankle-Hip Model of Balance on a Balance Board, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 14, 2019, 101008 (11 pages). DOI
[J148] Xiang,
Y., Zaman, R., Rakshit, R., Yang, J.,
Strength Percentile Determination for Two-Dimensional Human Symmetric Lifting
Prediction Considering Dynamic Joint Strength, Multibody System Dynamics, 64(1), 63-76, 2019. DOI
[J147] Xu,
M., Yang, J., Lieberman,
I.H., and Haddas, R., The Effect of Surgical Alignment in Adult Scoliotic
Spines on Axial Cyclic Vibration: A Finite Element Study, ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering,
Vol. 19, June, 2019, 021006 (6 pages). DOI
[J146] Haddas, R., Xu, M., Lieberman, I.H., and Yang, J., Finite Element Based-Analysis of Pre and Post Lumber Fusion for Adult Degenerative Scoliosis Patients, Spine Deformity, Vol. 7, 543-552, 2019. DOI
[J145] Xu, M., Yang, J., Lieberman, I.H., and Haddas, R., Comparisons of Stress Distributions in Vertebral Bone and Pedicle Screw and Screw-Bone Load Transfers among Different Fixation Methods of Lumbar Spine Fusion Surgery: A Finite Element Study, Medical Engineering and Physics, 63, 2019, 26-32. DOI
[J144] Yang, Q., Li, H., Shen, S., Zhang,
G., Huang, R., Feng, Y., Yang, J.,
and Ma, S., Study of the Micro-Climate and Bacterial Distribution in the Deadspace of N95 Filtering Face Respirators, Scientific Reports, 8(2018), 17382,
1-13. DOI
[J143] Chumacero, E., Yang, J., James, C.R., Wu, M., Body-Weight Supported
Treadmill Walking Training Improves Functional Walking and Balance of Stroke
Survivors in Any Post-Stroke Stage: A Systematic Review, Critical Reviews: in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 75,
77-88, 2018. DOI
[J142] Zhu,
H., Yang, J., and Zhang, Y., Modeling
and Optimization for Pneumatically Pitch-Interconnected Suspensions of a
Vehicle, Journal of Sound and Vibration,
Vol. 432, 2018, 290-309. DOI
[J141] Chumacero, E., Yang, J.,
and Chagdes, J. R., Effect of Sensory-Motor Latencies and Active Muscular
Stiffness on Stability for an Ankle-Hip Model of Balance on a Balance Board, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 75, 77-88, 2018. DOI
[J140] Cloutier,
A., and Yang, J., Examining the
Robustness of Grasping Force Optimization Methods Using Uncertainty Analysis, ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in
Engineering Systems Part B: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 4, December 2018,
041007 (8 pages). DOI
[J139] Li,
B., Yang, X., Yang, J.,
Zhang, Y., and Ma, Z., In-Plane Flexible Ring Tire Model Parameter
Identification: Optimization Algorithms, SAE
International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability and NVH, 2(1): 2018,
1-17. DOI
[J138] Li, B., Yang, X., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., and Ma, Z., In-Plane Flexible Ring Tire Model-Part 2: Parameterization, Tire Science and Technology, TSTCA, Vol. 46, No. 3, July–September 2018, 220-240. DOI
[J137] Li,
B., Yang, X., Yang, J.,
Zhang, Y., and Ma, Z., In-Plane Flexible Ring Tire Model-Part 1: Model
Development and Validation, Tire Science
and Technology, TSTCA, Vol. 46, No. 3,
July–September 2018, 174-219. DOI
[J136] Cloutier,
A., and Yang, J., Grasping
Force Optimization Approaches for Anthropomorphic Hands, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 10 (1), 011004 (Dec. 20,
2017) (10 Pages). DOI
[J135] Zhu,
H., Yang, J., Zhang, Y.,
Feng, X., A Novel Air Spring Dynamic
Model with Pneumatic Thermodynamics, Effective Friction and Viscoelastic
Damping, Journal of Sound and Vibration,
Vol. 408, 2017, 87-104. DOI
[J134] Hou, J.,
Rajmohan, R., Fang, D., Al-Khalil, K., Yang, J., Westney, W.,
Grund, C., and O'Boyle, M., Mirror Neuron Activation of Musicians and
Non-musicians in Response to Motion Captured Piano Performances, Brain and Cognition, Vol. 115, 2017, 47-55. DOI
[J133] Zhou,
S., Li, H., Shen, S., Li, S, Wang, W., Zhang, X., and Yang, J., An Intelligent FFR with a Self-Adjustable
Ventilation Fan, Journal of Occupational
& Environmental Hygiene, 14(11), Nov. 2017, D173-D178. DOI
[J132] Zhu,
H., Yang, J., Zhang, Y.,
Feng, X., and Ma, Z., Nonlinear Dynamic Model of Air Spring with a Damper for
Vehicle Ride Comfort, Nonlinear Dynamics,
Vol. 89, Issue 2, 2017, 1545-1568. DOI
[J131] Xu,
M., Yang, J., Lieberman, I.H.,
and Haddas, R., Finite Element Method-Based Study for Effect of Adult
Degenerative Scoliosis on the Spinal Vibration Characteristics, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol.
84, 2017, 53-58. DOI
[J130] Li,
B., Yang, X., Yang, J.,
Zhang, Y., and Ma, Z., Parameter Identification of In-Plane Flexible Ring Tire
Model Based on Static Load-Deflection Data: Some Insights, International Journal of Vehicle Performance, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2017,
180-197. DOI
[J129] Gragg,
J., Klose, E., and Yang, J.,
Modeling the Stochastic Nature of the Available Coefficient of Friction at
Footwear-Floor Interfaces, Ergonomics,
Vol. 60, No. 7, 977-984, 2017. DOI
[J128] Xu, M., Yang, J., Haddas, R., and Lieberman, I.H., Lumbar Spine Finite Element Model for Healthy Subjects: Development and Validation, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 20, Issue 1, 1-20, 2017. DOI
[J127] Ma, Z., Ji, X., Zhang, Y., and Yang,
J., State Estimation in Roll Dynamics for Commercial Vehicles, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 55, Issue
3, 2017, 313-337. DOI
[J126] Haddas,
R., Yang, J., and Lieberman, I.H.,
Effects of Volitional Spine Stabilization on Lifting Task in Recurrent Low Back
Pain Population, European Spine Journal,
Volume 25, Issue 9, 2016, 2833-2841. DOI
[J125] Xiang, Y., MacKugler, G., Kim, J., and Yang, J., Human Stair Ascent and Descent Simulation Using a Hybrid Optimization Formulation, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 31, Issue 4, 2016, 4548-4559. DOI
[J124] Ma,
Z., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J.,
Velocity and Normal Tire Force Estimation for Heavy Trucks Based on Multibody
Dynamics Simulation Considering the Road Slope Angle, Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 54, Issue 2, 2016, 137-167. DOI
[J123] Cloutier,
A., Yang, J., Pati, D., and
Valipoor, S., Experimental Identification of Potential Falls in Older Adult
Hospital Patients, Journal of
Biomechanics, Vol. 49, Issue 7, 2016, 1016-1020. DOI
[J122] Westney, W., Grund, C.M., Yang, J., Cloutier, A., Latimer, J., O’Boyle, M., Fang, D., and Hou, J., The Pedagogical Value of “Enjoyment” in the Classical Piano Studio, Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) e-Journal, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2016, 2-21. DOI
[J121] Gragg,
J., and Yang, J., Predicting
the Probability of Slip in Gait: Methodology and Distribution Study, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and
Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 19(1), 2016, 93-100. DOI
[J120] Westney,
W., Grund, C., Latimer, J., Cloutier, A., Yang,
J., and O’Boyle, Hou, J., and Fang, D., Musical Embodiment and Perception:
Performances, Avatars and Audiences, Special Issue: Music and Meaning, Signata-Annals of Semiotics, No. 6, 2015,
353-381. DOI
[J119] Haddas,
R., Yang, J., and Sizer, P.,
Effects of Gender and Recurrent Low Back Pain on Lifting Style, Central Europe Journal of Sport Sciences and
Medicine, Vol. 11, No. 3, 15-28, 2015.
[J118] Ozsoy, B., Ji, X., Yang, J., Gragg, J., and Howard,
B., Simulated Effect of Driver and Vehicle Interaction on Vehicle Interior
Layout, International Journal of
Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 48, 2015, 11-20. DOI
[J117] Xu,
M., Lei, Z., and Yang, J.,
Estimating the Dead Space Volume between a Headform
and N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator using Microsoft Kinect, Journal of Occupational and Environmental
Hygiene, Volume 12, No. 8, 2015, 538-546. DOI
[J116] Zhang, W., Ma,
Z., Jin, A., Yang, J., and
Zhang, Y., An Improved Human Biodynamic Model Considering the Interaction
between Feet and Ground, SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicle, 8(1):2015,
doi:10.4271/2015-01-0612. DOI
[J115] Cloutier,
A., Gragg, J., and Yang, J.,
Sensitivity Analysis of Achieving Seated Reach Tasks with Human Joint Angle and
Link Length Uncertainty, Robotica,
Vol. 33, Issue 3, 2015, 498-512. DOI
[J114] Long, J., Yang, J., Lei, Z., and Liang, D.,
Simulation-Based Assessment for Construction Helmets, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol.
18(1), 2015, 24-37. DOI
[J113] Lei,
Z., Ji, X., Li, N., Yang, J.,
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between Respirators and Headforms: Part 2-Simulation,
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[J112] Lei,
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between Respirators and Headforms: Part 1-Headform
Model and Validation, The Annals of
Occupational Hygiene, Vol. 58, Number 9, 2014, 1175-1185. DOI
[J111] Li,
B., Yang, X., Yang, J., Tire Model
Application and Parameter Identification-A Literature Review, SAE International Journal of Passenger
Cars-Mechanical System, 7(1), 2014, doi:10.4271/2014-01-0872.
[J110] Pena-Pitarch, E., Falguera, N.T., and Yang, J., Virtual Human Hand: Model and Kinematics, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and
Biomedical Engineering, 17(5), 568-579, 2014. DOI
[J109] Lei, Z., Yang, J., and Zhuang, Z., A Novel Algorithm for Determining Contact Area between
a Respirator and Headform, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 11, No. 4,
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[J108] Howard, B., Yang, J., and Ozsoy, B., Optimal Posture and Supporting
Hand Force Prediction for Common Automobile Assembly One-Hand Tasks, ASME Journal of
Mechanisms and Robotics, Vol. 6, Issue 2, 021009 (Mar 12, 2014). DOI
[J107] Lei,
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[J106] Cloutier, A., and Yang,
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A Literature Review, Critical Review in
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[J105] Gragg, J., Cloutier, A., and Yang, J., Optimization-Based Posture Reconstruction for Digital Human Models, Computers and Industrial Engineering,
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[J104] Gragg, J., and Yang,
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[J103] Yang, J., Howard, B., Cloutier,
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[J102] Lei, Z., Yang, J., Zhuang, Z., and
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[J101] Zou, Q., and Yang, J., Motion
Synthesis for a Digital Pregnant Woman Multibody System, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 28, Issue 2, 2013, 192-202. DOI
Yang, G., Yang, J., Qiang, C., Ge, J., and
Chen, Q., Natural Frequencies of a Cantilever Beam and Block System with
Clearance While Block Staying on Given Positions, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2013,
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[J99] Gragg, J., Yang, J., Cloutier, A., and Pena-Pitarch
E., Effect of Link Length Determination on Posture Reconstruction,
Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 44, Issue 1,
2013, 93-100. DOI
Lei, Z., and Yang, J., Layered Pentahedral Mesh Generation for Biomechanical
Geometries with Unclosed Surfaces, Computer-Aided
Design and Applications, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2013, 231-245. DOI
[J97] Griffin,
B., and Yang, J., Design and Analysis
of a Novel Hip Joint for Earpiece-less
Eyeglass Frame, International Journal of
Design, Engineering, and Technology, Vol. 11, Issue 2, 2013, 158-177. DOI
[J96] Gragg, J.,
Howard, B., Cloutier, A., and Yang, J., Joint Discomfort Human Performance
Measure for Driver Posture Prediction: Some Insights, International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation,
Vol. 3, Nos. 3/4, 235-275, 2012. DOI
[J95] Powelson, T., and Yang, J., Literature Review of Prosthetics for Transtibial Amputees, International Journal of Biomechantronics
and Biomedical Robotics, Vol.2, No.1, 2012,
pp.50 – 64. DOI
[J94] Howard, B., Cloutier, A., and Yang, J., Physics-Based Seated Posture Prediction for
Pregnant Women and Validation Considering Ground and Seat Pan Contacts, Transactions of ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol 134, Issue 7,
2012, 071004-1-10. DOI
[J93] Zou, Q., Zhang, Q., Yang, J.,
Cloutier, A., and Pena-Pitarch, E., Nonlinear Inverse
Optimization Approach for Determining the Weights of Objective Function in
Standing Reach Tasks, Computers and
Industrial Engineering,
Vol. 63, Issue 4, 2012, 791-801. DOI
[J92] Howard, B., and Yang, J.,
A New Stability Criterion for Human Seated Tasks with Given Postures, International Journal of Humanoid Robotics,
Vol. 9, No. 3, 2012, 1250015 (24 pages). DOI
Howard, B., and Yang, J., Calculating Support Reaction
Forces in Physics-Based Seated Posture Prediction for Pregnant Women,International Journal of Robotics and Automation,
Vol. 27, No. 2, 2012, 247-260. DOI
[J90] Lei, Z., Yang, J., and Zhuang, Z., Human Face and N95
Filtering Facepiece Respirator Interaction: Contact Pressure Simulation and
Validation, Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Hygiene, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2012, 46-58. DOI
[J89] Zou, Q., Zhang, Q. Yang, J.,
and Gragg, J., An Inverse Optimization Approach for Determining Weights of
Joint Displacement Objective Function for Upper Body Kinematic Posture
Prediction, Robotica, Vol. 30, Issue 2, 2012,
[J88] Gragg,
J., Yang, J., and Howard, B.,
Hybrid Method for Driver Accommodation Using Optimization-Based Digital Human
Models, Computer Aided Design, Vol. 44, Issue 1, 2012, 29-39. DOI
[J87] Lei, Z., and Yang, J., Methodology for Simulating Air Leakages of an
N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator-A Pilot Study, Computer Aided Design and
Applications, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2012, 43-53. DOI
[J86] Gragg, J., and Yang, J., Effect of Obesity on Seated
Posture Inside a Vehicle Based on Digital Human Models, SAE International Journal of Material and Manufacturing, Vol. 4, No. 1,
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[J85] Ozsoy, B., Yang, J.,
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Optimization-Based Planar Human Vertical Jumping Simulation, International Journal of Human Factors Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 2, No. 1/2, 2011, 46-66. DOI
[J84] Gragg,
J., Yang, J., and Long, J., Optimization-Based
Approach for Determining the Driver Seat Adjustment Range for Vehicles, International Journal
of Vehicle Design, Vol. 57, Nos. 2/3, 2011, 148-161. DOI
[J83] Kim, J., Abdel-Malek,
K., Xiang, Y., Yang, J., and Arora, J., Concurrent Motion Planning and
Reaction Load Distribution for Redundant Dynamic Systems under External
Holonomic Constraints, International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 88, Issue 1, 47-65, 2011. DOI
[J82] Dai,
J., Yang, J., and Zhuang, Z., Sensitivity
Analysis of Important Parameters Affecting Contact Pressure between a
Respirator and a Headform, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 41, Issue 3, 2011, 268-279. DOI
[J81] Mi,
Z., Yang, J., Kim, J., and Abdel-Malek, K.,
Determining the Initial Configuration of Uninterrupted Redundant Manipulator
Trajectories in a Manufacturing Environment, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 27, Issue 1,
2011, 22-32. DOI
Yang, J., Marler, T., and Rahmatalla, S., Multi-Objective Optimization-Based Method for
Kinematic Posture Prediction: Development and Validation, Robotica, Vol. 29, Issue 2, 2011,
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[J79] Yang, J., and
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Seating Tasks Considering Balance, ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics,
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[J78] Johnson, R., Yang, J.,
and Long, J., Finger Reach Envelope Using the Marching Cube Method, International
Journal of Human Factors Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2010,
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[J77] Yang, J., Feng, X., Kim, J., and Rajulu, S., Review of Biomechanical Models of Human
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[J76] Lei,
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Contact Pressure Study of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators Using Finite
Element Method, Computer Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 7, Issue 6,
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[J75] Kim,
J., Xiang, Y., Yang, J., Arora,
J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Dynamic Motion Planning of Overarm Throw for a Biped
Human Multibody System, Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1-24,
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[J74] Yang, J.,
and Dai, J., Simulation-Based Assessment of Rear Effect to Ballistic Helmet
Impact, Computer Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 1, 59-73,
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[J73] Zhao,
Y., Liu, Z., Cai, L., Yang, W., Yang, J.,
and Luo, Z., Study of Control for Automated Clutch of AMT Vehicle Based on
Rapid Control Prototyping, Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs., Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol.
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[J72] Xiang,
Y., Chung, H.J., Kim, H.J., Bhatt, R., Marler, R.T., Rahmatalla,
S., Yang, J., Arora, J.S., and Abdel-Malek,
K., Predictive Dynamics: An Optimization-Based Novel Approach for Human Motion
Simulation, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 41,
Number 3, 465-479, 2010. DOI
[J71] Yang, J., Dai, J., and Zhuang, Z., Simulating the Interaction between a
Respirator and the Headform Using LS-DYNA, Computer-Aided
Design and Applications, Vol. 6, Issue 4, 2009, 539-551. DOI
[J70] Tian, Q., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J.,
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[J69] Yang, J., Workspace of Digital Human Lower Extremities, International Journal
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[J68] Yang, J., Feng, X., Xiang, Y., Kim, J., and Rajulu, S., Determining the Three-Dimensional Relation
between the Skeletal Elements of the Human Shoulder Complex, Journal of
Vol. 42, No. 11, 2009, 1762-1767. DOI
[J67] Tian, Q., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., and Yang, J., Two-Link Flexible Manipulator Modeling and Tip Trajectory Tracking Based on the Absolute
Nodal Coordinate Method, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2009, 103-114. DOI
[J66] Zhang,
Y., Tian, Q., Chen, L., and Yang, J.,
Simulation of Viscoelastic Flexible Multybody System
Based on the Absolute Nodal Coordinate and Fractional Derivative Methods, Multibody
System Dynamics, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2009, 281-303. DOI
[J65] Kim,
J., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek,
K., Generating Effective Whole-Body Motions of a Human-Like Mechanism with
Efficient ZMP Formulation, International Journal of Robotics and Automation,
Vol. 24, Issue 2, 2009, 125-136. DOI
[J64] Tian, Q., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J., An Efficient Hybrid Method for Multibody Dynamics
Simulation Based on the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation, ASME Journal
of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2009, 021009-1-14. DOI
[J63] Liu, Q., Marler, T., Yang, J., Kim, J., and Harrison, C., Posture
prediction with External Loads-A Pilot Study, SAE International Journal of
Passenger Cars-Mechanical Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1014-1023, 2009. DOI
[J62] Mi,
Z., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek,
K., Optimization-Based Posture Prediction for Human Upper Body, Robotica, Vol. 27,
Issue 4, 2009, 607-620. DOI
[J61] Marler, T., Arora, J.S., Yang, J., Kim, H., and Abdel-Malek, K., Use of
Multi-objective Optimization for Digital Human Posture Prediction, Engineering
Optimization, Vol. 41, Issue 10, 2009, 925-943. DOI
[J60] Kim,
J., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek,
K., Planning Load-Effective Dynamic Motions of Redundant Manipulators, Robotica, Vol. 27, Issue 05,
2009, 739-747. DOI
[J59] Kim, J., Yang, J.,
and Abdel-Malek, K., Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Predicting
Seated Posture Considering Balance, International Journal of Vehicle Design,
Vol. 51, No. 3/4, 2009, 278-291.DOI
[J58] Abdel-Malek,
K., Arora, J., Yang, J., Marler,
T., Beck, S., Kim, J., Bhatt, R., Swan, C., Frey-Law, L., Mathai, A., Murphy,
C., Rahmatalla, S., and Patrick, A., A Physics-Based
Digital Human Model, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 51, No. 3/4, 2009, 324-340. DOI
[J57] Yang, J.,
Yu, W., Kim, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Placement of Open-Loop Robotic
Manipulators for Reachability, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 44,
Issue 4, 671-684, 2009. DOI
[J56] Yang, J.,
and Abdel-Malek, K., Human Reach Envelope and Zone Differentiation for
Ergonomic Design, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, Vol.
19, Issue 1, 15-34, 2009. DOI
[J55] Yang, J., Verma, U., Marler, T., Beck, S., Rahmatalla, S., and Harrison, C., Workspace Zone Differentiation
Tool for Visualization of Seated Postural Comfort, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 39, no. 1,
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[J54] Hu, S.B., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Wang,
S., A Crossing Sensitivity Filter for Structural Topology Optimization with
Chamfering, Rounding, and Free-checkerboard Patterns, Structural and
Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 37, 529-540, 2009. DOI
[J53] Chen,
W., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., and Yang, J., Multi-Objective Optimization of Parallel Hybrid
Electric Vehicle Based on Fuzzy Control, International Journal of Vehicle
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[J52] Zhi,
L., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., and Yang, J., Fractional PID Control and Optimization for
Vehicle Active Suspension, International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous
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[J51] Kim,
J., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., A Novel Formulation for
Determining Joint Constraint Loads during Optimal Dynamic Motion of Redundant
Manipulators in DH Representation, Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 19, n
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[J50] Zhang, Y., Tang, C., Chen, W., Chen, L., and Yang, J.,
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[J49] Kim, J., Xiang, Y., Bhatt,
R., Yang, J., Chung, HJ, Patrick, A., Mathai, A., Arora, J., and
Abdel-Malek, K., General Biped Motion and Balance of a
Human Model: Upright Standing, Pseudo-Falling, and Pulling, Journal of Passenger
Cars-Electronic and Electrical Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, 621-629, 2008. DOI
[J48] Yang, J., Sinokrot, T., and Abdel-Malek, K., Workspace Zone Differentiation Analysis and
Visualization for Virtual Humans, Ergonomics, Vol. 51, Issue 3, 2008,
395-413. DOI
[J47] Yang,
J., Sinokrot, T., and Abdel-Malek, K., A General Analytic
Approach for Santos Upper Extremity Workspace, Computers and Industrial
Engineering, Vol. 54, 2008, 242-258. DOI
[J46] Yang, J.,
Abdel-Malek, K., and Zhang, Y., On the Workspace Boundary Determination of
Serial Manipulators with Non-unilateral Constraints, Robotics and
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2008, 60-76. DOI
[J45] Yang, J.,
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Digital Human Environment and Assessment of Vehicle Interior Design, Computer-Aided
Design, Vol. 39, 2007, 548-558. DOI
[J44] Yang, J., Man, X., Xiang,
Y., Kim, H. Patrick, A., Colby Swan, Abdel-Malek, K., Arora, J., and Nebel, K.,
Newly Developed Functionalities for the Virtual-Human, SAE 2007 Transactions
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[J43] Kim,
J., Abdel-Malek, K., Yang, J.,
and Nebel, K., Dual-Arm Human Dynamic Motion Simulation
and Prediction of Joint Constraint Forces using Optimization, SAE 2007 Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars:
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[J42] Zuo,
K., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J.,
Study of Key Algorithms in Topology Optimization, International Journal of
Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 32, No 7-8, 2007, 787-796. DOI
[J41] Marler, T., Yang, J., Rahmatalla, S., Abdel-Malek, K., and Harrison, C., Validation Methodology
Development for Predicted Posture, SAE 2007 Transactions Journal of Passenger Cars-Electronic and
Electrical Systems.
[J40] Liu,
J.F., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek,
K., Dynamics Analysis of Linear Elastic Planar Mechanisms, Multibody System
Dynamics, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2007, 1-25. DOI
[J39] Zhao, Y., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J., Enhanced
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[J38] Zhao,
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[J37] Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., Yang, J., and Chen, L., A Dynamic Sliding Mode Controller with Fuzzy Adaptive
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[J36] Yang, J.,
and Abdel-Malek, K., Design Propagation in Kinematics of Mechanical Systems, Mechanism
and Machine Theory, Vol. 42, No. 7, 2007, 807-824. DOI
[J35] Abdel-Malek,
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of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 31, No. 7-8, 2007, 815-824. DOI
[J34] Abdel-Malek, K., Mi, Z., Yang, J., and Nebel, K., Optimization-Based Trajectory
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[J33] Zuo,
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[J32] Abdel-Malek, K., Yang, J., Marler, T., Beck, S., Mathai,
A., Patrick, A., and Arora, J., Towards a New Generation of Virtual Humans, International
Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2-39,
2006. DOI
[J31] Kim, J., Abdel-Malek, K., Yang, J., and Marler, T.,
Prediction and Analysis of Human Motion Dynamics Performing Various Tasks, International
Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 1, No. 1, 69-94,
2006. DOI
[J30] Yang, J.,
and Abdel-Malek, K., On the Determination of Open-loop Manipulator
Singularities Subject to Unilateral and Non-unilateral Constraints, International
Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 21, Issue 3, 2006, 218-228. DOI
[J29] Abdel-Malek,
K, Yang, J., Blackmore, D., and
Joy, K., Swept Volumes: Foundations, Perspectives, and Applications, International
Journal of Shape Modeling, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2006,
87-127. DOI
[J28] Yang, J.,
Abdel-Malek, K., Marler, T., and Kim, J., Real-Time Optimal Reach Posture
Prediction in a New Interactive Virtual Environment, Journal of Computer
Science and Technology, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2006, 189-198. DOI
[J27] Luo,
Z., Chen, L., Yang, J., and Zhang, Y., Multiple
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Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2006,
203-214. DOI
[J26] Yang, J.,
Peña Pitarch, E., Potratz, J., Beck, S., and
Abdel-Malek, K., Synthesis and Analysis of a Flexible Elephant Trunk Robot, Advanced Robotics,
Vol. 20, No. 6, 2006, 631-659. DOI
[J25] Abdel-Malek,
K., and Yang, J., Workspace
Boundaries of Serial Manipulators Using Manifold Stratification, International
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing, Vol. 28, No. 11-12, 2006, 1211-1229. DOI
[J24] Luo,
Z., Yang, J., and Chen, L., A New
Procedure for Aerodynamic Missile Designs Using Topological Optimization
Approach of Continuum Structures, Science and Technology, Vol. 10, 2006,
364-373. DOI
[J23] Luo,
Z., Chen, L., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., and
Abdel-Malek, K., Fuzzy Tolerance Multilevel Approach for Structural Topology
Optimization, Computers and Structures, Vol. 84, Issues 3-4, 127-140,
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[J22] Yang, J.,
and Abdel-Malek, K., Verification of NC Machining Processes Using Swept
Volumes, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
Vol. 28, No. 1-2, 2006, 82-91. DOI
[J21] Kim, J., Abdel-Malek, K., Yang, J.,
and Nebel, K., Optimization-based Dynamic Motion Simulation and Energy Consumption
Prediction for a Digital Human, Journal of Passenger Car-Electronic &
Electrical Systems, Vol. 114, No. 7, 2005, 797-806. DOI
[J20] Sinokrot,
T., Yang, J.,
Fetter, B., and Abdel-Malek, K., Workspace Analysis and Visualization for
Santos, Journal of Passenger Car-Mechanical Systems, Vol. 114, No. 6,
2005, 2970-2982. DOI
[J19] Potratz, J., Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K., Peña Pitarch, E., and Grosland, N., A Light
Weight Compliant Hand Mechanism with High Degrees of Freedom, ASME
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 127, 6, 2005, 934-945. DOI
[J18] Yang, J.,
and Abdel-Malek, K., The Workspace of Manipulators with Non-unilateral
Constraints, Robotica, Vol. 23, 5, 2005,
543-553. DOI
[J17] Luo,
Z., Chen, L., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., and
Abdel-Malek, K., Compliant Mechanism Design Using Multi-objective
Topology Optimization Scheme of Continuum Structures, Structural and
Multidisciplinary Optimization. Vol. 30, No. 2, 2005, 142-154. DOI
[J16] Yang, J.,
Abdel-Malek, K., and Nebel, K., Reach Envelope of a 9 Degree of Freedom Model
of the Upper Extremity, International Journal of Robotics and Automation,
Vol. 20, No.4, 2005, 240-259. DOI
[J15] Luo,
Z., Yang, J., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., and
Abdel-Malek, K., A Hybrid Fuzzy-Goal Programming Scheme for Multi-objective
Topology Optimization of Static and Dynamic Structures Under Multiple Loading
Conditions, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 31, No.
1, 2005, 26-39. DOI
[J14] Yang, J.,
Abdel-Malek, K., and Nebel, K., On the Determination of Driver Reach and
Barriers, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 37, No. 4, 2005,
253-273. DOI
[J13] Yang, J.,
Abdel-Malek, K., and Potratz, J., Design and Prototyping of an Active Hand
Prosthetic Device, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.
32, No. 1, 2005, 71-78. DOI
[J12] Yang, J.,
and Abdel-Malek, K., Approximate Swept Volumes of NURBS Surfaces or Solids, Computer
Aided Geometric Design, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2005, 1-26. DOI
[J11] Abdel-Malek,
K., and Yang, J., Sweeping
of an Object Held by a Robotic End-effector, Robotics and Computer
Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2005, 159-174. DOI
[J10] Abdel-Malek, K., Mi, Z., Yang, J., and Nebel, K.,
Optimization-Based Layout Design, Journal of Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, Vol. 2, Issue
3-4, 2005, 187-196. DOI
[J9] Zuo,
K.T., Chen, L., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J.,
A Hybrid Topology Optimization Algorithm for Structure Analysis, Engineering
Optimization, Vol. 37, No. 8, 2005, 849-866. DOI
[J8] Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K., and Nebel, K., Restrained and
Unrestrained Driver Reach Barriers, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace,
Vol. 113, 1, 2004, 288-296. DOI
[J7] Abdel-Malek,
K., Yu, W., Yang, J., and Nebel,
K., A Mathematical Method for Ergonomic Based Design: Placement, International
Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 34(5), 2004, 375-394. DOI
[J6] Abdel-Malek,
K., Yang, J., Brand, R., Tanbour, E., Towards Understanding the Workspace of Human
Limbs, Ergonomics, Vol. 47, No. 13, 2004, 1386-1405. DOI
[J5] Yang, J.,
Pena Pitarch, E., Abdel-Malek, K., Patrick, A., and
Lindkvist, L., A Multi-Fingered Hand Prosthesis, Mechanism and Machine
Theory, Vol. 39, Issue 6, 2004, 555-581. DOI
[J4] Abdel-Malek,
K., Yu, W., and Yang, J.,
Placement of Robot Manipulators to Maximize Dexterity, International Journal
of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2004, 6-14. DOI
[J3] Abdel-Malek, K., Yang,
J., Brand, R., and Tanbour, E., Towards
Understanding the Workspace of the Upper Extremities, SAE Transactions:
Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems, Vol. 110, 6, 2001,
2198-2206. DOI
[J2] Abdel-Malek,
K., Yang, J., and Yeh,
H.J., Output Control Barriers of Serial Manipulators, International Journal
of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2001, 45-54. DOI
[J1] Abdel-Malek,
K., Yang, J., and
Blackmore, D. On Swept Volume Formulations: Implicit Surfaces, Computer
Aided Design, Vol. 33(1), 2001, 113-121. DOI
Refereed Conference Papers
[C199] Yang,
Y., Negash, N.M., and Yang, J., Influence of Prediction Horizon
on Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Vehicle Maneuvers, SAE World
Congress, April 8-10, 2025, Detroit, MI.
[C198] Mena, A., Wollstein, R., and Yang, J.,
Development of a Comprehensive Linear Finite Element Model of the Human Wrist
Joint, ASME
August 25-28, 2024, Washington DC, USA.
[C197] Lawrence, R., Baus, J., Cash, C., and Yang,
J., Upper Body Kinematic Analysis in Piano Playing Tasks, ASME
2024 IDETC/CIE, August 25-28, 2024, Washington DC, USA.
[C196] Baus, J., Harry, J., and Yang, J.,
Risk Factor Quantification for Motion Prediction in a Collision Avoidance
Manual Task, ASME 2024 IDETC/CIE, August 25-28,
2024, Washington DC, USA.
[C195] Barman, S., Xiang, Y.,
Rakshit, R., and Yang, J., Fatigue Prediction for Repetitive
Lifting, ASME 2023 IDETC/CIE, August 20-23, 2023, Boston, Massachusetts,
[C194] Baus, J., Cheng, Z., and Yang, J., Subject-Specific Musculoskeletal Modeling of Adolescent Scoliosis Patients: A Pilot Study, ASME 2023 IDETC/CIE, August 20-23, 2023, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
[C193] Negash, N., Yang, J., Safe Autonomous
Vehicle Cooperative Cruise Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning, ASME
2023 IDETC/CIE, August 20-23, 2023, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
[C192] Lee, S., Cheng, Z., and Yang, J.,
Parametric Musculoskeletal Model for Human-Robot Interaction Simulation in
Warfield Rescue: A Pilot Study, ASME 2023 IDETC/CIE, August 20-23, 2023,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
[C191] Lee, S., and Yang, J., Three-Dimensional
Symmetric Tossing Motion Prediction-A Pilot Study, ASME 2023 IDETC/CIE,
August 20-23, 2023, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
[C190] Tuer, G., Pickle, N., Broyles, N., Yang, J.,
Middle, R., Zientara, G., Roos, P., Joint-Based Metabolic Energy Expenditure
for Physiology Simulation in Digital Human Avatars, The 8th Digital
Human Modeling Symposium, Sept. 4-6, 2023, Antwerp, Belgium.
[C189] Cruz., J., and Yang, J., The effects of handedness during two-handed asymmetric box lifting, The 7th Digital Human Modeling Symposium, August 29-31, 2022, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
[C188] Rakshit,
Barman, S., Xiang, Y., and Yang,
J., Joint Velocity Dependence of Fatigue in
Isokinetic Tasks, The 7th Digital Human Modeling
Symposium, August 29-31, 2022, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
[C187] Baus,
J., Harry, R. J., Yang, J., Effects of Sex and Weighted Vest Load
Arrangements on Lower Biomechanics and Jump Height During Countermovement Jump,
The 7th Digital Human Modeling Symposium, August 29-31, 2022,
Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
[C186] Lamb,
M., Lee, S., Billing, E., Högberg, D., and Yang, J., Forward and
Backwards Reaching Inverse Kinematics (FABRIK) Solver for DHM: A Pilot Study, The
7th Digital Human Modeling Symposium, August 29-31, 2022, Iowa
City, Iowa, USA.
[C185] Chumacero,
E., and Yang, J., The Effect of the Balance Board Mass on the
Stability, Equilibrium, and Robustness of the Human-Balance Board System, ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, August 14-17, 2022, St. Louis,
[C184] Negash,
N., and Yang, J., Coupled Integral Sliding Mode Control for
Bidirectional Automated Platoon with an Exponential Spacing Policy and
Uncertainty Approximation, ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical
Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
August 14-17, 2022, St. Louis, MO, USA.
[C183] Tahmid,
S., Font Llagunes, J. M., and Yang, J., Upper Extremity Joint
Torque Estimation Through an EMG-Driven Model, ASME 2022 International
Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, August 14-17, 2022, St. Louis, MO, USA.
[C182] Zaman,
R, Quarnstrom, J., Xiang, Y., Rakshit, R., and Yang, J., Hybrid
Predictive Model for Assessing Spinal Loads for 3d Asymmetric Lifting, ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, August 14-17, 2022, St. Louis,
[C181] Lee, S., Xiang, Y., Xia, T., and Yang, J.,
Assessments and Evaluation Methods for Upper Limb Exoskeleton-A Literature
Survey, ASME 2022 International Design Engineering Technical
Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
August 14-17, 2022, St. Louis, MO, USA.
[C180] Negash, N., and Yang, J., Anticipation-Based Autonomous Platoon Control Strategy with
Minimum Parameter Learning Adaptive Radial Basis Function Neural Network
Sliding Mode Control, SAE World Congress, April 5-7, 2022, Cobo Center,
Detroit, MI, USA.
[C179] Negash, N., and Yang, J., Driver
Behavior Modeling towards Autonomous Vehicles: A Comprehensive Review, SAE World Congress,
April 5-7, 2022, Cobo Center, Detroit, MI, USA.
[C178] Oliveira,
A., Kashem, N.H., Luna, D., Geerts, W.J., Li, W., and Yang, J.,
Magnetic Properties of PDMS Embedded with Strontium Ferrite Particles Cured
Under Different Magnetic Field Configurations, The 15th
Joint MMM-INTERMAG Conference, Jan. 10-14, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA.
[C177] Cheng, Z., Hu. J., Yang, J., Sanford, D., Hoyt, R., and Zientara, G., Warfighter Physiological Status Prediction, Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2020, Orlando, FL, USA.
R., Xiang, Y., Cruz, J., and Yang, J., Three-Dimensional
Symmetric Maximum Weight-Lifting Prediction, ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, August 16-19, 2020, Sant
Louis, MO, USA.
E., and Yang, J., The Effect of the Balance Board Mass on the Stability,
Equilibrium, and Robustness of the Human-Balance Board System, ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, August 16-19, 2020, Sant
Louis, MO, USA.
J., Garcia, M., Jackson, E., and Yang, J., Perineum Pressure
Distribution Among Various Bicycle Saddles, ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, August 16-19, 2020, Sant
Louis, MO, USA.
[C173] Abbot, E., Oliveira, A., and Yang, J., Novel Design of a 3d Printed Anthropomorphic Soft Prosthetic Hand, ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference, August 16-19, 2020, Sant Louis, MO, USA.
Zhang, K.,
Duan, Y., Yang, X., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., Determination of Magic
Formula Tyre Model Parameters Using Homotopy Optimization Approach, SAE Technical Paper
2020-01-0763, 2020.
[C171] Zaman, R., Xiang, Y., Rakshit, R., and Yang, J., Muscle Force Prediction in OpenSim Using Skeleton Motion Optimization Results As Input Data, ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference, August 18-21, 2019, Hilton Anaheim, Anaheim, CA, USA.
[C170] Tahmid, S., Yang, J., Font-Llagunes, J.M., Review of Models and Robotic
Devices for Stroke Survivors’ Upper Extremity Rehabilitation, ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, August 18-21, 2019, Hilton
Anaheim, Anaheim, CA, USA.
[C169] Chumacero, E., and Yang, J., Powered Ankle-Foot Prostheses: A Survey on Control
Strategies, ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical
Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
August 18-21, 2019, Hilton Anaheim, Anaheim, CA, USA.
[C168] Yu, Z., Zhao, Q., Ma, Y., Zhang, H., and Yang, J., Effect of Different
Seat Pan Angles and Feet-Floor Interactions on Human Body Response Using a
Biodynamic Model, 2019 SAE World Congress,
April 9-11, 2019, Cobo Center, Detroit, MI, USA.
[C167] Levulis, S.J., DeLucia,
P., and Yang, J., Nelson,
V.R., Does Perceived Harm Underlie Effects of Vehicle Size on Overtaking
Judgments? 2018 Annual Meeting of the
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Sept. 30-October 5, 2018,
Philadelphia, PA, USA.
[C166] DeLucia, P. R., Kim, J-H., Nguyen, N., Wang, E., & Yang, J. Outcomes from a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program Focused on Behavioral Research with Real-World Implications. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Sept. 30-October 5, 2018, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
[C165] Xu, M., Scholl, T., Berjano,
P., Cruz, J., and Yang, J.,
Rod Stress Prediction in Spinal Alignment Surgery with
Different Supplementary Rod Constructing Techniques: A Finite Element Study, ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, August 26-29, 2018, Quebec
City, Canada.
[C164] Liang, L., Lai, Q., Wu, S., and Yang, J., Modeling and
Characteristic Analysis on Hydraulic Operating Mechanism for Ultra-High Voltage
Circuit Breakers, ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical
Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
August 26-29, 2018, Quebec City, Canada.
[C163] Li, B., Yang, X., and Yang, J., Validation of a Newly Proposed 3D Flexible Ring
Tire Model through ADAMS® FTIRE Full-Vehicle Simulations, ASME 2018 International
Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, August 26-29, 2018, Quebec City, Canada.
[C162] Chumacero, E., and Yang, J., Human-Inspired Balance Control of a Humanoid on a
Rotating Board, 2018 Applied Human
Factors and Ergonomics Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 21-25, 2018.
[C161] Garcia, M., Cruz, J., Garza, C., DeLucia, P., and Yang,
J., The Effects of Object Surfaces and Shapes on Hand Grip Function for
Heavy Objects, 2018 Applied Human Factors
and Ergonomics Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 21-25, 2018.
[C160] Cruz, J., and Yang, J., Lumbar Spine Modeling: A Literature Review, 2018 Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics
Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 21-25, 2018.
[C159] Li, B., Yang, X., and Yang, J., Development of an Out-of-Plane Flexible Ring Tire
Model Compared with Commercial FTire® via Virtual
Cleat Tests, 2018 SAE World Congress,
April 10-12, 2018, Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan.
[C158] Xu, M., Yang, J., Lieberman, I.H., Haddas, R., Pedicle Screw Location and Angle Sensitivity Analysis in Spine Fusion Surgery, ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference, August 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, OH, USA.
[C157] Aguilar, J., and Yang, J., Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury-A
Literature Review, ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical
Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
August 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, OH, USA.
[C156] Chumacero, E., and Yang, J., Fall Prevention Therapies for Individuals with
Stroke: A Survey, ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical
Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
August 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, OH, USA.
[C155] Xu, M., Yang,
J., Lieberman, I.H., Haddas, R., Fatigue Life Prediction of
Pedicle-Screw-Bone Connection in Human Lumbar Spine: Finite Element Preliminary
Study, 5th International
Digital Human Modeling Symposium, June 26-28, 2017, Bonn, Germany.
[C154] Li, B., Yang, X., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., and Ma, Z., In-Plane Parameter
Relationship between the 2D and 3D Flexible Ring Tire Models, SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan,
USA, April 4-6, 2017.
[C153] Ahmadisoleymani, S., Yang, J., Schmit, A., and Rasty, J., Simulation-Based Assessment of Impact Energy Absorption for American Football Helmet, ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference, August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte, NC, USA.
[C152] Xu, M., Yang,
J., Lieberman, I.H., Haddas, R., Healthy and Scoliosis Lumber Spine
under Whole Body Vibration-A Finite Element Pilot Study, ASME 2016 International
Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte, NC, USA.
[C151] Holmes, A., Opella, J., Cloutier, A., Yang, J., and DeLucia, P., Lifting Motions during Patient Repositioning
in Novice and Experienced Nurses: A Pilot Study, ASME 2016 International Design
Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering
Conference, August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte, NC, USA.
[C150] Li, B., Yang, X., Yang, J., Zhang, Y., and Ma, Z., Optimization Algorithm
Comparison for In-Plane Flexible Ring Tire Model Parameter Identification, ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte,
[C149] Cloutier, A., and Yang, J., Grasping Force Optimization Method for Robotics
Hands, ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte,
[C148] Chumacero, E., and Yang, J., A Review of Human Motion Prediction in
Sit-to-Stand and Lifting Tasks, ASME 2016
International Design Engineering
Technical Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte, NC, USA.
[C147] Ly. K., Cloutier, A., and Yang, J., Quantitative Motor Assessment, Detection, and
Suppression of Parkinson’s Disease Hand Tremor: A Literature Review, ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers
& Information in Engineering Conference, August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte,
[C146] Xu, M., Yang,
J., Lieberman, I.H., Haddas, R., Comparison of Intersegmental
Rotations, Intradiscal Pressures, and Facet Joint Forces between Healthy and
Scoliosis Subjects: A Finite Element Pilot Study, The 4th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM
2016), June 15-17, 2015, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
[C145] Lei, Z., Li., N., and Yang, J., Virtual Assessment Framework for Personal
Protective Equipment, The 4th
International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM 2016), June 15-17,
2015, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
[C144] Haddas, R., Lieberman, I.H., and Yang, J., Effects of Volitional
Spine Stabilization on Lifting Task in Recurrent Low Back Pain Population, North American Spine Society 30th
Annual Meeting, Oct. 14-18, 2015, Chicago, IL.
[C143] Xu, M., and Yang, J., Human Facial Soft Tissue Thickness and Mechanical Properties-A Literature Review, ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference, August 2-5, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
[C142] Lei, Z., and Yang, J., Mesh Generation with a Standardized Headform for CFD Simulations of Particle Aspiration, ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical
Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
August 2-5, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
[C141] Cloutier, A., Yang, J., Pati, E., Valipoor, S., Snailer,
B., and Holler, J., Identifying Possible Slips and Falls Using Motion Capture
Experiments, ASME 2015 International
Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in
Engineering Conference, August 2-5, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
[C140] Xu., M., Lei, Z., and Yang, J., Contact Pressure Distribution Sensitivity Analysis
with Strap Location, Friction and Headform Material, ASME 2015 International Design Engineering
Technical Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference,
August 2-5, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
[C139] Li, B., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J., In-Plane Flexible Ring Tire Model Validation through ADAMAS FTire Simulation, ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference, August 2-5, 2015, Boston, MA, USA.
[C138] Ahmadisoleymani, S., and Yang, J., American Football Helmet for Preventing
Concussion-A Literature Review, The 6th
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, July
26-30, 2015, Caesars Palace Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
[C137] Ma, Z., Yang,
J., Jiang, M., and Zhang, Y., Recursive Estimation for Vehicle Inertial
Parameters Using Polynomial Chaos Theory by Vehicle Handling Model, SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan,
USA, April 21-23, 2015.
[C136] Zhang, W., Ma, Z., Jin, A., Yang, J., and Zhang, Y., An
Improved Biodynamic Model Considering Foot and Floor Interaction, SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan,
USA, April 21-23, 2015.
[C135] Li, B., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J., In-Plane Flexible Ring
Tire Model Development for Ride Comfort and Braking/Driving Performance
Analysis under Straight-Line Driving Condition, SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, April 21-23, 2015.
[C134] Ozsoy, B., and Yang, J., Simulation-Based Unassistant Sit-to-Stand Motion Prediction for Healthy Young Individuals, ASME DETC, August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, NY, USA.
[C133] Li, B., Li, N., Yang, X., and Yang, J., Two-Dimensional Rigid
Ring-Based Tire Model: Parameter Identification, Sensitivity Analysis, and
Effect on Ride Comfort, ASME DETC,
August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, NY, USA.
[C132] Lei, Z., and Yang, J., Computing Carbon Dioxide and Humidity in Filtering
Facepiece Respirator Cavity during Breathing Cycles, ASME DETC, August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, NY, USA.
Zou, Q.,
Li, N., and Yang, J., Effect
of Uncertainty on Human Simulated Posture, ASME
DETC, August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, NY, USA.
[C130] Conway, M., Haddas, R., and Yang, J., Effect of Deliberate
Core Muscle Activation on Lifting Performance in a Recurrent Low Back Pain
Population, 2014 South Central American
Society of Biomechanics Meeting, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in
Dallas, April 25-26, Dallas, TX, USA.
[C129] Lewis, K., Haddas, R., and Yang, J., Effect of Core Muscle
Activation on Injury Risks in Mining Lifting for Healthy Population, 2014 South Central American Society of
Biomechanics Meeting, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas,
April 25-26, Dallas, TX, USA.
[C128] Latimer, J., Cloutier, A., Yang, J., Westney, W., O’Boyle,
M., and Grund, C., Motion Capture for Study of Physical Movements of Pianists, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, April 3-5, 2014, University of
Kentucky, KY.
[C127] Latimer, J., Cloutier, A., Yang, J., Westney, W., O’Boyle, M., and Grund, C., Motion Capture and Data Analysis for Physical Movement of Pianists, The 3rd International Human Modeling Symposium, May 20-23, 2014, Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan.
[C126] Gragg, J., and Yang, J., Sensitivity Anslysis for
Probabilistic Prediction of Slips, the 3rd Digital Human Modeling
Symposium, May 20-22, Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan.
[C125] Li, B., Yang, X., and Yang, J., Tire Model Application
and Parameter Identification-A Literature Review, SAE World Congress, April
8-10, 2014, Detroit, MI.
[C124] Kumbhar, P., Li, N., Xu, P., and Yang, J., Minimizing Occupant
Body Fatigue to Determine Seat Dynamic Parameters, SAE Paper 2014-01-0877, SAE
World Congress, April 8-10, 2014, Detroit, MI.
[C123] Gragg, J., and Yang, J., Potential Methods for Prediction of Onset of Slip
in Gait during the Transition from Double Support to Single Support, ASME DETC, Aug. 4-7, 2013, Portland,
Oregon, OR.
[C122] Cloutier, A., and Yang, J., Control of Hand Prosthesis-A Literature Review, ASME DETC, Aug. 4-7, 2013, Portland,
Oregon, OR.
[C121] Howard, B., and Yang, J., Cognitive-Based Terminal State Prediction for
Human Motion Planning, ASME DETC,
Aug. 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, OR.
[C120] Lei, Z., and Yang, J., Computer-Aided Customized Shape Design for an N95
Filtering Facepiece Respirator, ASME DETC,
Aug. 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, OR.
[C119] Howard, B., and Yang, J., A Collision Avoidance Algorithm for
Optimization-Based Human Motion Prediction Based on Perceived Risk, The Second Digital Human Modeling Symposium,
June 11-13, 2013, Ann Arbor, MI.
[C118] Kumbhar, P., Xu, P., and Yang, J., Evaluation of Human Body Response to Different
Vehicle Seats Using a Multibody Biodynamic Model, SAE World Congress, April 16-18, 2013, Detroit, MI.
[C117] Lei, Z., and Yang, J.,
Computational Fluid Dynamics-Based Respirator Fit Prediction-A Pilot Study, 16th
Biennial ISPR Conference, Boston, Sept. 23-27, 2012.
[C116] Kumbhar, Xu, P., and Yang, J., A
Literature Survey for Biodynamic Models for Whole Body Vibration and Vehicle
Ride Comfort, ASME DETC,
Chicago, IL, August 12-15, 2012.
[C115] Gragg, J., Yang, J., and Yang, G., Probabilistic Approach for Digital Human
Kinematic and Dynamic Reliabilities, ASME
DETC, Chicago, IL, August 12-15, 2012.
[C114] Powelson, T., and Yang, J., Finite Element Analysis of Piezoelectric Strips for Modifying Ankle
Torques in Active Prosthetic Feet- A Pilot Study, ASME DETC, Chicago, IL,
August 12-15, 2012.
[C113] Howard, B., Yang, J., and Yang, G., Prediction of Supporting Hand
Forces for Common Automobile Assembly Tasks Based on Optimization and Stability
Techniques for Given Posture, ASME
DETC, Chicago, IL, August 12-15, 2012.
[C112] George, R., and Yang, J., A Survey for
Methods of Detecting Aircraft Vortices, ASME
DETC, Chicago, IL, August 12-15, 2012.
[C111] Zou, Q., Yang, J., and Liang, D.,
Stochastic Optimization Applications in Robotics and Human Modeling- A
Literature Survey, 2nd
International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling, July 20-25,
2012, Hilton San Francisco, Union Square, San Francisco, CA, USA.
[C110] Lei, Z., Yang, J., and Zhuang,
Z., Effects of Head Movement on Contact Pressure between a N95 Respirator and Headform, 2nd
International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling, July 20-25,
2012, Hilton San Francisco, Union Square, San Francisco, CA, USA.
[C109] Gragg,
J., and Yang, J., Study of
Human Slip and Fall- The State of Art, 2nd
International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling, July 20-25,
2012, Hilton San Francisco, Union Square, San Francisco, CA, USA.
[C108] Long,
J., Lei, Z., and Yang, J., Helmet
Risk Assessment for Top and Side Impact, 2nd
International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling, July 20-25,
2012, Hilton San Francisco, Union Square, San Francisco, CA, USA.
[C107] Cloutier,
A., Gragg, J., and Yang, J., Probabilistic Analysis of Joint Angle and
Link Length Uncertainty on Reach Tasks, 2nd
International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling, July 20-25,
2012, Hilton San Francisco, Union Square, San Francisco, CA, USA.
[C106] Yang, J., and Lei,
Z., Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for Respirator Fit and Leak Locations, American
Industrial Hygiene Association AIHce 2012, Indianapolis, IN, June 16-21, 2012.
[C105] Lei, Z., and Yang, J.,
Layered Pentahedral Mesh Generation for Biomechanical
Geometries with Unclosed Surfaces, CAD’12,
June 11-14, 2012, Marriott Gateway on the Falls, Niagara Falls, Canada.
[C104] Cloutier, A., Gragg, J., and Yang, J., Sensitivity
Analysis of Achieving a Reach Task within a Vehicle
Considering Joint Angle Variability, SAE
World Congress, April 24-26, 2012, Cobo Center, Detroit, MI.
Pena Pitarch, E., Yang, J.,
Tico-Falguera, N., Abenoza-Guardiola,
M. and Romero-Culleres, G., Tools to Design New
Devices for Rehabilitation or Robotics, ROBIO
2011: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, December
7-11, 2011, Phuket, Thailand.
Powelson, T., and Yang, J.,
Prosthesis of Transtibial Amputees-A Literature Review, ASME
2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computer and Information in
Engineering Conference, August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA.
Howard, B., and Yang, J., Ground Reaction
Forces for Various Standing Tasks Considering Generic Terrain, ASME
2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computer and
Information in Engineering Conference, August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA.
Howard, B., and Yang, J., Optimization-Based Seated Posture Prediction
Considering Contact with Environment, ASME
2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computer and
Information in Engineering Conference, August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC,
Zou, Q., and Yang, J., Pseudo Standing, Forward Falling, and Pulling Simulation for
Pregnant Women, ASME 2011 International Design
Engineering Technical Conference & Computer and Information in Engineering
Conference, August 28-31, 2011, Washington,
[C98] Long, J.,
Burns, K., and Yang, J., Human
Clothing Modeling and Simulation: A Literature Survey, HCI International, 3rd International
Conference on Digital Human Modelling, July 9-14,
2011, Florida, USA.
[C97] Cloutier, A.,
Boothby, R., and Yang, J., Motion
Capture Experiments for Validating Optimization-Based Human Models, HCI International, 3rd International Conference on Digital Human Modelling, July 9-14,
2011, Florida, USA.
[C96] Lei, Z.,
and Yang,
J., Contact Area Determination
between an N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator and a Headform,
HCI International, 3rd International Conference on Digital Human Modelling, July 9-14,
2011, Florida, USA.
[C95] Ozsoy, B., and Yang, J., Planar Vertical Jumping Simulation-A Pilot Study, HCI International, 3rd International
Conference on Digital Human Modelling, July 9-14,
2011, Florida, USA.
[C94] Howard, B.,
and Yang,
J., Predicting Support Reaction Forces
for Generic Standing and Seated Tasks with Given Postures-A Preliminary Study, HCI International, 3rd International
Conference on Digital Human Modelling, July 9-14,
2011, Florida, USA.
[C93] Zou, Q.,
Zhang, Q., Yang, J., Cloutier,
A., Boothby, R., and Gragg, J., An Alternative Formulation for Determining
Weights of Joint Displacement Objective Function in Seated Posture Prediction, HCI International, 3rd International
Conference on Digital Human Modelling, July 9-14,
2011, Florida, USA.
Gragg, J., Yang, J., and
Boothby, R., Posture Reconstruction Method for Mapping Joint Angles from Motion
Capture Experiment to Simulation Models, HCI International, 3rd International
Conference on Digital Human Modelling, July 9-14,
2011, Florida, USA.
Lei, Z., and Yang, J., Methodology for Simulating Air Leakages of an N95 Filtering
Facepiece Respirator-A Pilot Study, The 2011 International CAD Conference and Exhibition,
June 27-30, 2011, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan.
Zou, Q., Zhang, Q., Yang, J., Cloutier,
A., Gragg, J., and Pena-Pitarch, E. Determining the
Weights of Joint Displacement Objective Function in Standing Reach Tasks, First International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling- IEA-DHM
2011, June 14-16, 2011, Lyon, France.
Gragg, J., and Yang, J., Posture
Reconstruction-Some Insights, First
International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling- IEA-DHM 2011,
June 14-16, 2011, Lyon, France.
Gragg, J., Yang, J., and Wang,
X., Shoulder Complex Posture Reconstruction and Visualization Based on Cadaver
Experiment Data, First International
Symposium on Digital Human Modeling- IEA-DHM 2011,
June 14-16, 2011, Lyon, France.
Howard, B., and Yang, J.,
Formulation of Human Performance Measures for Full Body Pregnant Women Standing
Posture Prediction, SAE World Congress,
April 12-14, 2011, Cobo Center, Detroit, MI.
[C86] Gragg, J.,
and Yang,
J., Effect of Obesity on Seated
Posture Inside a Vehicle Based on Digital Human Models, SAE World Congress, April 12-14, 2011, Cobo Center, Detroit, MI.
[C85] Kim,
J., Abdel-Malek, K., Xiang, Y., Yang, J., and Arora, J.S.,
Motion Planning under External Constraints for Redundant Dynamic System, 3rd
Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, 2010 Dynamic Systems and
Control Conference (DSCC), Cambridge, MA, September 13-15, 2010.
[C84] Kim, J., and Yang, J., Dynamic
Motion Generation for Redundant Systems under External Constraints, Proceedings
of the ASME 2010 DETC, August 15-18, 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
[C83] Yang, J.,
and Zou, Q., Prediction of One Stride Motion for Pregnant Women Walking, ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November
12-18, 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
[C82] Yang, J.,
and Zou, Q., Prediction of One Step Motion for Digital Pregnant Women Walking
Control, 13th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Optimization
Conference, Sept. 13-15, 2010, Renaissance Worthington Hotel, Fort Worth,
Texas, USA.
[C81] Yang, G., Yang, J.,
Qiang, C., Ge, J., and Chen, Q., Dynamic Responses of Beam with Sloping Support
Traversed by a Moving Mass, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 DETC, August
15-18, 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
[C80] Ozsoy, B., Yang, J., and Boros, R., Human Jumping
Motion Analysis and Simulation-A Literature Review, 1st International
Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling, July
17-20, 2010, Miami, Florida.
Howard, B., Yang, J., and Gragg,
J., Toward a New Digital Pregnant Woman Model and Standing Posture Prediction, 1st
International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling,
July 17-20, 2010, Miami, Florida.
[C78] Zou,
Q., Zhang, Q., and Yang, J., Determining
Weights of Joint Displacement Objective Function in Optimization-Based Posture
Prediction-A Pilot Study, 1st
International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling, July 17-20, 2010, Miami, Florida.
[C77] Lei,
Z., and Yang, J., Toward High
Fidelity Respirator and Headform Models, 1st
International Conference on Applied Digital Human Modeling,
July 17-20, 2010, Miami, Florida.
[C76] Yang, J.,
and Dai, J., Simulation-Based Assessment of Rear Effect to Ballistic Helmet
Impact, The 2010 International CAD Conference and
Exhibition, June 21-25, 2010, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
[C75] Lei, Z., Yang, J., Zhuang, Z., Contact Pressure Study of N95 Filtering Facepiece
Respirators Using Finite Element Method, The 2010 International CAD
Conference and Exhibition, June 21-25, 2010, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
[C74] Gragg, J., Yang, J.,
and Long, J., Determining Driver Seat Adjustment Range for Vehicles Using
Optimization-Based Posture Prediction, SAE World Congress, April 12-15, 2010,
Cobo Center, Michigan.
[C73] Kim,
J.H., Xiang, Y., Yang, J.,
Abdel-Malek, K., and Arora, J.S., Optimal Throwing
Motion Planning for a Biped Human Mechanism, ASME IDETC 33rd Mechanisms and
Robotics Conference, August 30-September 2, 2009, San Diego, CA.
[C72] Yang, J., Xiang, Y., and Kim, J., Determining the Static Joint Torque of a
Digital Human Model Considering Balance, Proceedings of the ASME 2009
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and
Information in Engineering Conference, August 30-September
2, 2009, San Diego, CA, USA.
[C71] Pena Pitarch,
E., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Virtual Human Hand: Grasping and Simulation, International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), 2nd International
Conference on Digital Human Modeling, San Diego,
CA, July 19-24, 2009.
[C70] Yang, J., Dai, J., and Zhuang, Z.,
Human Head Modeling and Personal Head Protection
Equipment: A Literature Review, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), 2nd International Conference on Digital Human Modeling, San Diego, CA, July 19-24, 2009.
[C69] Yang, J., Feng, X., Xiang,
Y., Kim, J., and Rajulu, S.,
Joint Coupling Relationship for Human Shoulder Complex, International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), 2nd International
Conference on Digital Human Modeling, San Diego,
CA, July 19-24, 2009.
[C68] Yang, J., Dai, J., and Zhuang, Z., Simulating the Interaction between a
Respirator and the Headform Using LS-DYNA, Proceedings
of International CAD Conference and Exhibition, June 8-12, 2009, Reno,
Nevada, USA.
[C67] Dai, J., Yang, J., and Zhuang, Z., Finite Element Analysis
for the Interface of a Respirator and the Human Face- A Pilot Study, Proceedings of SAE Digital Human Modeling
for Design and Engineering, June 9-11, 2009, Gothenburg, Sweden.
[C66] Liu, Q., Marler, T., Yang, J.,
Kim, J., and Harrison, C., Posture prediction with External Loads-A Pilot
Study, Proceedings of SAE World Congress,
April 20-23, 2009, Detroit, USA.
[C65] Kim,
J., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R., Yang, J., Arora, J., and Abdel-Malek,
K., Throwing Motion Generation of a Biped Human Model, 2008 IEEE
International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics,
October 19-22, 2008, FireSky Resort, Scottsdale,
Arizona, USA.
[C64] Kim, J., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R., Yang,
J., Chung, HJ, Patrick, A., Arora, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Efficient ZMP Formulation and Effective Motions for
General Tasks of a Whole-Body Biped Human-Like Mechanism, Proceedings of
ASME International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences, August 3-6, 2008, New York City,
[C63] Yang, J., Kim, J., Pena Pitarch, E., and Abdel-Malek,
K., Optimal Trajectory Planning for Redundant Manipulators Based on Minimum
Jerk, Proceedings of ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, August 3-6, 2008,
New York City, NY.
[C62] Feng, X., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., On the
Determination of Joint Coupling for Human Shoulder Complex, Proceedings of SAE Digital Human Modeling
for Design and Engineering, June 17-19, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA.
[C61] Feng, X., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Survey of
Biomechanical Models for Human Shoulder Complex, Proceedings of SAE Digital Human Modeling
for Design and Engineering, June 17-19, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA.
[C60] Kim, J., Xiang, Y., Bhatt, R., Yang, J., Chung, HJ,
Patrick, A., Mathai, A., Arora, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., General Biped Motion and Balance of a Human Model:
Upright Standing, Pseudo-Falling, and Pulling, Proceedings of SAE Digital
Human Modeling for Design and Engineering, June 17-19, 2008, Pittsburgh,
[C59] Bhatt, R., Xiang, Y., Kim, J., Mathai, A., Penmatsa,
R., Chung, HJ, Patrick, A., Rahmatalla, S., Marler,
T., Beck, S., Yang, J., Arora, J., Abdel-Malek, K., and Obusek,
J., Optimization-Based
Dynamic Human Stairs Climbing Prediction and Simulation, Proceedings of SAE
Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering, June 17-19, 2008, Pittsburgh,
[C58] Pena Pitarch, E., Yang, J.,
Guardiola, M.A., and Abdel-Malek, K., Virtual Human Hand: Autonomous Grasping
Strategy, The IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and
Modelling (ASM08), Corfu, Greece, June 23-25, 2008.
[C57] Xiang, Y., Rahmatalla, S., Cheng, HJ, Kim, J.,
Bhatt, R., Marler, T., Yang, J., Arora, J., Abdel-Malek, K., and
Obusek, J.P., Optimization-Based Dynamic Human Lifting Prediction, Proceedings of SAE Digital Human Modeling
for Design and Engineering, June 17-19, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA.
[C56] Yang, J., Verma, U., Penmatsa, R., Marler, T., Beck,
S., Patrick, A., Rahmatalla, S., Abdel-Malek, K., and
Harrison, C., Development of a Zone Differentiation Tool for Visualization of
Postural Comfort, SAE 2008 World Congress, April 14-17, 2008, Detroit,
Michigan, USA.
[C55] Abdel-Malek,
K., Mi, Z., and Yang, J.,
Kinematically Smooth Trajectory Generation for Robotic Manipulator, 5th
International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics -
ICINCO 2008, May 11-15, 2008, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
[C54] Abdel-Malek,
K., Arora, J., Frey Law, L., Swan, C., Beck, S., Xia, T., Bhatt, R., Kim, J.,
Xiang, Y., Rasmussen, M., Murphy, C., Laake, A., Marler, T., and Yang, J., Santos: A Digital Human in the
Making, The IASTED International Conference on
Applied Simulation and Modelling (ASM08), Corfu, Greece, June 23-25, 2008.
[C53] Qin, G., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., and Yang, J., Synthesis and Analysis of the Double-Axle Steering
Mechanism Considering Dynamic Loads, SAE 2008
World Congress, April 14-17, 2008, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
[C52] Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., and Yang, J., A Fuzzy Synthesis Control Strategy for Active Steering
Based on Multi-Body Models, SAE 2008 World
Congress, April 14-17, 2008, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
[C51] Zhang, Y., Tang, C., Chen, W., Chen, L., and Yang, J., Robust Optimal Design for Enhancing Vehicle Handling
Performance, SAE 2008 World Congress, April
14-17, 2008, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
[C50] Tian, Q., Zhang, Y., Chen, L.P., and Yang, J., Two-Link Flexible Modeling and Tip Position Tracking Based on Absolute Nodal
Coordinate Method, 13th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms,
IISc, Bangalore, India, Dec. 12-13, 2007.
[C49] Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., and Yang, J., A Fuzzy Control
Strategy and Optimization for Four Wheel Steering System, 2007 IEEE
International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety, October
12-15, 2007, Beijing, China.
[C48] Kim,
J., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek,
K., A New Method of Calculating Joint Constraint
Forces and Moments during Optimal Motion of Redundant Systems, ASME International Design Engineering Technical
Conferences, September 4-7, 2007, Las
Vegas, NV.
[C47] Zhang,
Y., Gao, S., Li, L., Chen, L., and Yang, J.,
A Fuzzy Synthesis Control Scheme and Optimization for Vehicle Dynamic Stability
System, ASME International Design Engineering
Technical Conferences, September 4-7, 2007, Rio All-Suite
Hotel and Casino,
Las Vegas, Nevada.
[C46] Yang, J., Rahmatalla, S., Marler, T., Abdel-Malek, K., and Harrison, C., Validation of Predicted Posture for the Virtual Human
Santos, 12th International Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI), Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China,
July 22-27, 2007.
[C45] Abdel-Malek,
K., Yang, J., Kim, J., Marler, T., Beck, S., Swan, C., Frey-Law,
L., Mathai, A., Murphy, C., Rahmatalla, S., and
Arora, J., Development of the Virtual Human Santos, 12th
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Beijing
International Convention Center, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007.
[C44] Kim,
J., Abdel-Malek, K., Yang, J.,
and Nebel, K., Dual-Arm Human Dynamic Motion
Simulation and Prediction of Joint Constraint Forces using Optimization, Proceedings of SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering,
June 12-14, 2007, Seattle, WA.
[C43] Chung,
H.J., Xiang, Y., Mathai, A., Rahmatalla, S., Kim, J.,
Marler, T., Beck, S., Yang, J.,
Arora, J., Abdel-Malek, K., A Robust Numerical Formulation for the Prediction
of Human Running, Proceedings of SAE Digital Human Modeling
for Design and Engineering, June 12-14, 2007, Seattle, University of
Washington, WA, USA.
[C42] Xiang,
Y., Chung, H.J., Mathai, A., Rahmatalla, S., Kim, J.,
Marler, T., Beck, S., Yang, J.,
Arora, J., Abdel-Malek, K., Optimization-based Dynamic Human Walking
Prediction, Proceedings of SAE Digital Human Modeling
for Design and Engineering, June 12-14, 2007, Seattle, University of
Washington, WA, USA.
[C41] Marler, T., Yang, J., Rahmatalla, S., Abdel-Malek, K., and Harrison, C., New
Validation Protocol for Predicted Posture, Proceedings of SAE Digital Human Modeling for
Design and Engineering,
June 12-14, 2007, Seattle, University of Washington, WA, USA.
[C40] Yang, J., Man, X., Xiang,
Y., Kim, H. Patrick, A., Swan, C., Abdel-Malek, K., and Arora, J., Newly
Developed Functionalities for the Virtual-Human Santos, SAE 2007 World
Congress, April 16-19, 2007, Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan.
[C39] Abdel-Malek, K., Arora, J., Yang, J., Marler, T., Beck, S., Swan, C.,
Frey-Law, L., Mathai, A., Murphy, C., Rahmatalla, S.,
and Patrick, A., Santos: A physics-based digital human simulation
environment, The 50th Annual Meeting of
the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, San Francisco, CA, October, 2006.
[C38] Yang, J., Pena Pitarch, E., Kim, J.,
and Abdel-Malek, K., Posture Prediction and Force/Torque Analysis for Human
Hands, Proceedings of SAE Digital Human Modeling
for Design and Engineering, July 4-6, 2006, Lyon, France.
[C37] Yang, J., Potratz, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., A Hyper-Redundant Continuous Robot, IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, Florida, May
15-19, 2006.
[C36] Yang, J., Sinokrot,
T., Abdel-Malek, K., and Nebel, K., Optimization-based Workspace Zone
Differentiation Analysis and Visualization for SantosTM,
SAE 2006 World Congress, April 3-6, 2006, Cobo Center, Detroit,
[C35] Yang, J., Marler, T., Kim,
J., Pena Pitarch, E., Farrell, K., Patrick, A., Sinokrot, T., Potratz, J., Zhou,
X., Abdel-Malek, K., Arora, J., and Nebel, K., New Capabilities for the
Virtual-Human Santos, SAE 2006 World Congress, April 3-6, 2006, Cobo
Center, Detroit, Michigan.
[C34] Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Singularity Analysis of Open-Loop Manipulators Subject
to Unilateral and Non-unilateral Constraints, The IASTED International
Conference on Robotics and Applications, October 31-November 2, 2005,
Cambridge, USA.
[C33] Kim,
J., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Optimization-based Lifting
Posture Analysis to Reduce Injury in Material Handling, 2005 ASME
International Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 5-11, Orlando,
Florida, USA.
[C32] Pena
Pitarch, E., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Joystick Ergonomic Study in
Material Handling Using Virtual Humans, 2005 ASME International Engineering
Congress and Exposition, November 5-11, Orlando, Florida, USA.
[C31] Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Workspace
Analysis and Visualization of Mechanical Manipulators with Non-Unilateral
Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, September
24-28, 2005, Hyatt Regency, Long Beach, California, USA.
[C30] Pena
Pitarch, E., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K.,
Hand Grasping Strategy of Virtual Humans, The 3rd IASTED
International Conference on Biomechanics, September 7-9, 2005, Benidorm,
[C29] Marler, T., Yang, J., Arora, J., and Abdel-Malek,
K., A Study of A Bi-Criterion Posture Prediction Problem Using
Pareto-Optimal Sets, The Fifth IASTED International Conference on Modelling,
Simulation, and Optimization, August 29-31, 2005, Oranjestad,
[C28] Pena
Pitarch, E., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K.,
Santos Hand: Workspace Analysis, The 16th IASTED International
Conference on Modelling and Simulation, May 18-20, 2005, Cancun, Mexico.
[C27] Kim,
J., Abdel-Malek, K., Yang, J.,
and Nebel, K., Optimization-based Dynamic Motion Simulation and Energy
Consumption Prediction for a Digital Human, Proceedings
of SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and
Engineering, June 14-16, 2005, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
[C26] Olmstead-Muhs, J., Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K., and
Nebel, K., A Geodesic Model for Collision Avoidance, Proceedings of SAE
Digital Human Modeling for Design and
Engineering, June 14-16, 2005, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
[C25] Sinokrot,
T., Yang, J., Fetter, B., and
Abdel-Malek, K., Workspace Analysis and Visualization for Santos’TM
Upper Extremity, Proceedings of SAE Digital Human Modeling
for Design and Engineering, June 14-16, 2005, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
[C24] Pena
Pitarch, E., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K.,
Santos hand: A 25-Degree-of-Freedom Model, Proceedings
of SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and
Engineering, June 14-16, 2005, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
[C23] Potratz, J., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., A Light Weight
Compliant Hand Mechanism with High Degrees of Freedom, The 4th Design of
Medical Devices Conference, April 13-15, 2005, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
[C22] Kim,
J., Abdel-Malek, K., Yang, J.,
and Nebel, K., Motion Prediction and Inverse Dynamics for Human Upper
Extremities, SAE 2005 World Congress, April 11-14, 2005, Cobo Center,
Detroit, Michigan, USA.
[C21] Kim,
J., Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K.,
and Nebel, K., Task-based Vehicle Interior Layout Design Using Optimization
Method to Enhance safety, SPIE Defence & Security Symposium, Enabling
Technologies for Simulation Science, March 28-April 1, 2005, Orlando,
Florida, USA.
[C20] Yang, J.,
Marler, T., Farrel, K., Beck, S., Kim, H., Abdel-Malek, K., Arora, J., and
Nebel, K., Santos: A New Generation of Virtual Humans, SAE World Congress,
April 11-14, 2005, Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
[C19] Kim,
J., Abdel-Malek, K., and Yang, J.,
An Efficient Method for Real-time Human Motion Prediction, SAE World
Congress, April 11-14, 2005, Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
[C18] Abdel-Malek, K., Yang, J., Beck,
S., and Nebel, K., Santos: A Virtual Human Environment for Human Factors
Assessment, The 24th
Army Science Conference: Transformational Science and Technology for the
Current and Future Force, Nov. 29-Oct. 2, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA.
[C17] Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K., Farrel, K., and Nebel, K., The IOWA Interactive
Digital-Human Virtual Environment, ASME International Engineering Congress, The 3rd Symposium on
Virtual Manufacturing and Application, Nov. 13-19, 2004, Anaheim, California, USA.
[C16] Farrell, K., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Santos: A New
Interactive Virtual Human, SIGGRAPH
2004 Real-Time 3DX: Demo or Die, August 8-12, 2004, Los Angeles, California, USA.
[C15] Abdel-Malek, K., Mi, Z., Yang, J., and Nebel, K.,
Optimization-Based Layout Design, The 4th International Symposium on Robotics and Automation, ISRA'2004, August 25-27, 2004, Queretaro, Mexico.
[C14] Yang, J.,
Marler, T., Kim, H., Arora, J., and Abdel-Malek, K., Multi-Objective
Optimization for Upper Body Posture Prediction, 10th AIAA/ISSMO
Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Aug. 30-Sept. 1,
2004, Albany, New York, USA.
[C13] Marler,
T., Yang, J., and Rao, S.S., A
Fuzzy Approach for Determining A Feasible Point In A Constrained
Problem, Proceedings of ASME/JSME Pressure Vessels and Piping
Division Conference, July 25-29, 2004, San Diego, CA, USA.
[C12] Yang, J.,
Peña Pitarch, E., Abdel-Malek, K., and Lindkvist, L.,
Analysis of A Cable Actuated Hand Prosthesis, Proceedings of ASME 28th
Biennial Mechanism and Robotics Conference, Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2004, Salt
Lake City, Utah, USA.
[C11] Abdel-Malek, K., Yang, J.,
Mi, Z., Patel, V. C., and Nebel, K., Human Upper Body Motion Prediction, The
IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modeling
(ASM), June 28-30, 2004, Rhodes, Greece.
[C10] Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K., and Nebel, K., Restrained and Unrestrained Driver Reach
Barriers, Proceedings of 2004 SAE Digital Human Modeling
for Design and Engineering, June 15-17, 2004, Oakland University,
Rochester, Michigan, USA.
[C9] Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K., DeGraff, D, and Pena Pitarch,
E., Design and Analysis of an Inherently-Compliant Light-Weight
Active Hand Prosthesis, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical
Conferences, September 29-October 2, 2002, Montreal, Canada.
[C8] Mi,
Z., Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K., Mun, J., and Nebel, K., Real-Time
Inverse Kinematics for Humans, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering
Technical Conferences, September 29-October 2, 2002, Montreal, Canada.
[C7] Mi,
Z., Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K., and Laurent, J., Planning for
Kinematically Smooth Manipulator Trajectories, Proceedings of ASME Design
Engineering Technical Conferences, September 29-October 2, 2002, Montreal,
[C6] Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K., The Exact Reach Envelope of 9
Degree-of-freedom model of Human Upper Extremities, Second International Symposium
on Mechanics of Human Movement and Biomaterials, August 5-7, 2001, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
[C5] Yang, J., Abdel-Malek, K., and Cremer, J., An Approach of
NURBS Sweeping, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences,
Sept. 9-12, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA .
[C4] Yu, W., Yang, J., and Abdel-Malek, K.,
Minimum Torque Placement of a Kinematic Structure, Proceedings of ASME
Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Sept. 9-12, 2001, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA.
[C3] Abdel-Malek, K., Yang,
J., Brand, R., and Tanbour, E.,
Towards Understanding the Workspace of the Upper Extremities, Proceedings of
SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering,
Technical Paper No. 2001-01-2095, June 26-28, 2001, Arlington, Virginia, USA.
[C2] Abdel-Malek,
K., and Yang, J., Method
and Code for the Visualization of Multivariate Solids, Proceedings of ASME
Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Sept. 10-13, 2000, Baltimore,
Maryland, USA.
[C1] Abdel-Malek, K., Yang, J., and Blackmore, D., Closed-form Swept Volume of Implicit Surfaces, Proceedings of ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Sept. 10-13, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Editorial Publications
[E5] Paul, G., Yang, J., Wang, X., Digital Human Modelling in Ergonomics 4.0, Special Issue in IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 2021.
[E4] Xiang, Y., Zhou, X., and
Yang, J., Guest Editors, Dynamics in Digital
Human Modeling and Simulation, Special Issue in International Journal of Human
Factors Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 2, Issue 1/2, 2011.
[E3] Yang, J., Lan, F., and Chen, J., Guest Editors,
Research and Advances of Vehicle Body Engineering, Special Issue in International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 56,
Issues 2/3, 2011.
[E2] Yang, J., Kim, J., Guest Editors, Digital Human Modeling
and Simulation, and Applications for Vehicle Design, Special Issue in International
Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 51, Issue 3/4, 2009.
[E1] Zhang, Y., Chen, L.,
and Yang,
J., Guest Editors, Modelling
and Simulation of Complex Mechatronic Systems, Special Issue in International
Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3/4, 2008.
Books and Chapters
[B24] Xiang, Y., and Yang, J. (2023). Optimization-Based Human Maximum-Weight Lifting
Simulation: Recent Development on Dynamic Joint Strength. In: Duffy, V.G.,
Lehto, M., Yih, Y., Proctor, R.W. (eds) Human-Automation Interaction.
Automation, Collaboration, & E-Services, Vol. 10, 387-399. Springer, Cham.
[B23] Yang, J., and Lei, Z., (2018) Human Head Modeling and Applications. In
Paul G, Scataglini S. (eds) DHM and Posturography,
[B22] Yang, J., and Ozsoy,
B., (2018) Physics-Based Sit-to-Stand Three Dimensional Motion Prediction Considering Seat Pan
Contact. In Paul G, Scataglini S. (eds) DHM and Posturography,
[B21] Haddas R., Xu M., Lieberman I., Yang
J. (2018) Finite Element Analysis
of Pre and Post Lumbar Fusion for Adult Degenerative Scoliosis Patients.
In: Gefen A., Weihs D. (eds) Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical
Engineering. Lecture Notes in Bioengineering. Springer, Cham, 209-217.
[B20] Lei, Z., and Yang, J., Effects of Head Movement on Contact Pressure between a N95 Respirator and Headform, Advances in Affective and Pleasura