Mark Webb's Homepage

A person wearing sunglasses and a black shirt

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Or, if you prefer, Mark Webb as Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream:

(That's  Eva Dadlez  of the University of Central Oklahoma, as Oberon, on the right).

A group of men in a park

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Or, perhaps, Mark Webb posing with his patroness, the (ironically headless) goddess Epistêmê, in Ephesus.

A person standing next to a statue

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Professor Webb received both his B.A. in philosophy and his two M.A. degrees, one in philosophy and the other in Classical Humanities, from Texas Tech  and Ph.D. in Philosophy from  Syracuse University  in 1991. In 2006, he earned a postgraduate certificate in Buddhist Studies from Sunderland University.  He specializes in epistemology and philosophy of religion. He is currently working philosophical problems arising from the commitments of the world’s religions, starting with karma and reincarnation, and their implications for free will and personal identity. Mark Webb's CV (in pdf)  is available online.




Representative Publications:


Professor Webb's articles have appeared in The Journal of Philosophy, Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Religious Studies, The International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, and Hypatia. His publications include:


Monotheism and Religious Experience, Religion and Monotheism, New York: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.


            A Comparative Doxastic-Practice Epistemology of Religious Experience, Springer Briefs in Religious Studies, New York: Springer Press, 2015.


            World Religions and Philosophy, Kendall-Hunt Publishing, 2021.


            “Meaning and Social Value in Religious Experience,” in Cambridge Companion to Religious Experience, 2020.


            “Perfect Being Theology,” in A Companion to Philosophy of Religion, 2nd ed., Blackwell Publishing, Paul Draper and Charles Taliaferrro, eds.


            “Meeting Others in the Space of Reasons: Fallibilism for Sellarsians,” in Michael P. Wolf and Mark Norris Lance, eds. The Self-Correcting Enterprise: Essays on Wilfrid Sellars, Poznán Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol 92 (New York: Rodopi, 2006)


            “Can Epistemology Help? The Problem of the Kentucky-Fried Rat,” Social Epistemology 18 (2004), 51-58.


            (with Heidi Grasswick) Feminist Epistemology as Social Epistemology, a special issue of Social Epistemology, September 2002.


            “Trust, Tolerance, and the Concept of a Person,” Public Affairs Quarterly 1997; 11(4), 415-429.


            “Feminist Epistemology and the Extent of the Social,” Hypatia 1995; 10(3), 85-98.


            “Natural Theology and the Concept of Perfection in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz,” Religious Studies 1989; 25(4), 459-475.




Contact Information:


Phone: (806) 742-3275




Spring 2024:


PHIL 2350-001, World Religions and Philosophy

                                    Syllabus (pdf)


                        PHIL 3324, Philosophy of Religion



Retired, starting May 31, 2024







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